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Thread: Distrubing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Warrenville Il


    Don't you wish you were there and had a gun to blow through that crowd of rabid sexual predators and oxygen robbers.

    IMHO I have always had very little faith in my fellow man, the world sucks out there, everytime you turn on the news you see another bleep of stupidty, hatred, violence, total ignorance, feminism, and absurd pc values, deaf people that want to have deaf children, priests molesting kids and it being covered up, teenage *****s that crap out their babies and leave them in dumpsters or behind fences as in this morning, irresponsible fathers, mothers that kill their children and try and hide it behind some made up bullsh!t psychological disease, people who believe the criminal's rights is more important than the victim, who believe that the cops can really protect you and why on earth would you need to own a gun, those who think the government knows whats best for you and your kids, religous nutcases who think its ok to kill abortion doctors, I could go on for hours, hours about different subjects, and people who make me sick.

    This is just another example of why most people suck.
    Last edited by Black Jack; 04-15-2002 at 12:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Birds of a feather (generally) flock together.

    I hear ya, Black Jack. These scum feel secure that they can get away with this because of mob mentality, alcohol or who knows what else, safety in numbers...but trash is trash.

    Hopefully, some smart, emterprising D.A. will take photos like this and try to persue a case.

    Too bad we didn't hear about any street justice being executed. Where are the organizations liek Neighborhood Watch or Guardian Angels when you need them? Makes you wonder what good they do at all.

    "I'll use my bare hands...against any weapon!"

    We are trained in wushu. We must defend the Temple!

  3. Re: Distrubing

    Originally posted by Black Jack
    deaf people that want to have deaf children
    yea.. cuz deaf people aren't really human..

    (edit) and that link was very disturbing. i agree with you there. *sigh*

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    You know what really ****es me off about this? Instead of taking pictures maybe this guy should have been doing something to stop it.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Bronx, New York
    We're victims of our own society. Nowadays no one is responsible for their actions. "The voices told me to do it." "I was caught up in the frenzy of the crowd." Etcetera. It is always someone else's fault.

    Our over-burdened legal system permits people to take the easy way out. There is always some intrepid lawyer out there with a novel excuse for why their client should be found "not guilty". And the DAs have too many other cases to worry about something like this, unless it gets on the evening news and they have to save face.

    People are lazy and cruel. And, as a group, we are quite possibly the stupidest creatures in existence. Individuals can be intelligent, but get a few people together and the intelligence level drops.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    minneapolis, mn
    Hai-to, that is what I call the stupidity quotient. Each of us as human beings has a little bit of sutpidity in us, some more then others. The problem is that alone, we are only a little stupid, and that is ok. But the more people you get together, the more stupidity coagulates and begins to take control.
    I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and don't want to see you everyday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Warrenville Il
    Lice, maybe you should read my post a little better before you put any "extra" meaning in my writting.

    I never stated deaf people were not human, I don't see that anywhere in or implied in my post, what I do see is that deaf people who because of there own amazing ignorance, homespun stupidity or jealousy, are "wanting" to have handicapped children to preserve what they think is the deaf culture.

    It's been on the news countless times the last few months, deaf parents that want deaf kids, deaf parents that will not get their kids the new hearing implants which will remove there handicap, are those good parents?

    No, IMHO they are trash, and now to think of it if they have the ability to help there kids hear and they choose not to because they do not want to destroy the deaf culture, then they are not human, animal feces is the better answer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wanna hear something that'll really honk your horn? Get this: in a city not very far from me, a Latino family is protesting the police's use of force on one of their family members. The sister says "He was getting his life back together and started going to church..."

    Here's the story from police and eyewitnesses: This lady's wonderful brother who was putting his life together and was a great churchgoing lad (that's actually my sarcastic part) was being pulled over and he decided he would rather run. He evaded police until something happened to his car, at which point he ran into an apartment complex and took a six year old boy hostage, placing a gun to his head. Police opened fire, killing the perp and saving the boy.

    The family says they don't believe police did everything they could to de-escalate the situation.

    My question is: WHO CARES!? Endanger a child, die. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
    "I'll use my bare hands...against any weapon!"

    We are trained in wushu. We must defend the Temple!

  9. #9
    LOL @ the "stupidity quotient"

    "Instead of taking pictures maybe this guy should have been doing something to stop it."

    I think by taking the picture, the guy was trying to do something. Maybe not stopping that incident (although seeing someone with a camera may deter some of the more intelligent idiots), but bringing awareness to possibly prevent a future occurence.

    Besides, what did you expect him to do, jump on the crowd like Batman and dispense some Bat-Justice ? He could injure her more in the process and still not accomplish anything. I think taking the picture was likely his best option of trying to help.

    Man, people sure are stupid in groups
    "No Pain - Good."
    - neptunesfall

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Warrenville Il

    Man, I could not agree with you more, now I bet you will see them using the infamous race card, the cops are racist and so on, bla, bla, bla.

    Here's a funny one, there is a guy who is trying to get dodge ball banned in school because it promotes violence, he actually has already had a few schools toss out the game, I used to love that game!!!!

    Another moron and waste of oxygen, I bet he is one of those church going nutcases that thinks Halloween trick or treating should be banned because of its implications to the devil!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dodge ball! Oh no! That is the most evil of games! How dare anyone come up with something that involves physical movement, eye/hand coordination, strategy, non-lethal aggression and other such vices of Satan! Don't even get me started on Halloween! Evil, EVIL!

    Lame-oids abound, my friends.

    Funny, I made a similar joke on rogue's thread about baseball...Little League no less. I'm starting to think I should have watched more "Daria" while it was on...anyone who reads a paper called "Sad, Sick World" may be on to something.
    "I'll use my bare hands...against any weapon!"

    We are trained in wushu. We must defend the Temple!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Jeezus aitch.

    That was an incredibly frightening photo. There's like a hundred of those subhumans swarming all over her like giant rabid ants.

    Think I'll start carrying my gun again.
    Nolite irasci, aequiperate.

  13. Black Jack,

    Maybe I jumped on ya a bit. Sorry about that.

    Here's what I read though... deaf parents wanting to have children, even if they knew their kids would be deaf (ie, it's something hereditary). I feel that's their right.. being deaf isn't the worst thing that could happen. I'm not sure if I would want to have children if I knew they'd be deaf, but if I was deaf I'd probably have a better idea of what that type of life is like.

    Now, apparently you meant deaf parents with deaf children(already born) that are going out of their way to ensure that their children stay deaf instead of treating it. That is their choice also, but not one I agree with. If their child is old enough, I hope they at least asked their kid if they wanted it... but kids don't always know what's best for them. I didn't realize that this was news recently, because I just quit keeping up with the news.

    Bad things like all the stuff in your post are not new. Not by a long shot. This type of violence has existed forever. The only difference now, is we get it downloaded into our brain from all over the world. Centuries ago, kids still killed each other, men still raped women and wars were abound. Again, the only difference is you only heard what was in your immediate region for the most part.

    That's just my uneducated guess. Sorry for the rant.. avoiding work.

    Again, sorry if I jumped on ya like that BJ.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin, TX, TX
    Amen brother.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing wrong with these people that I can't fix with my two hands.

    Oh hell, that reminds me of my Friday night.
    I was happy asleep in my bed around midnight. My dog starts barking like crazy at the foot of the bed. I wake up (my wife doesn't ) and I can kind of hear what sounds like a woman talking outside. I put on my pants, my flashlight, knife and pistol, and tuck them in my pants and head downstairs.

    Anyway, once I'm downstairs I can't hear anything, but my dog, Clyde is barking like crazy and pulling on the leash. So I keep walking and I slowly start hearing the sound of a woman crying and yelling. She's yelling "HELP".

    Let the leash go, pistol out, safety on, JWT running behind weiner dog (who, BTW, outran me, pretty impressive seeing as he has a 1 inch femur).

    What I found was bad, but not as bad as it could have been.

    This 17 year old girl had said "no" to her boyfriend while they were in his car. He obviously disagreed with her refusal so he pushed her out of the car, driving off, over her foot. Her foot was obvisouly broken and her ankle was seriously fu(ked up. She was litterally laying in a ditch, on the side of the road, (wearing next to nothing) screaming for help.

    I tucked the pistol back in my pants and calmed her down as much as possible, she was pretty hysterical. She had apparently been out there a while and had gotten worried she would be out there all night. And she very likely would have. People had driven by, but she was so far away from the road and in the ditch that no one had seen her, and there weren't any houses around other than mine to hear her. (I wouldn't have heard her exept for the weiner dog.) I picked her up in my arms, the girl felt like she weighed all of 80 pounds. I was walking her back to my car to take her to the hospital when a friend of her's drove by and we took the girl to her mother's house where they then took her to the hospital.

    I found out the boy's name, called a deputy that's a friend of mine who promised me to "look into it" and the next day I went over to her house to make sure she was ok. She was. As far as the boy goes, he'll be charged with attempted rape, failure to render aid, and assult with a deadly weapon.

    So, yet again, weiner dog saves the day.

    If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

  15. #15
    My Batman statement was meant half jokingly, but I take that back. Batman is for real and he live in Texas !

    If you're ever in Texas and you hear someone cry for help, maybe you can make out the silhouette of a man swinging to the rescue, being led by a trusty hot-dog shaped sidekick

    You're the man, JWT!
    "No Pain - Good."
    - neptunesfall

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