Wow I am taking kungfu under a high ranking Instructor from Indianapolis, Indiana, he teaches alittle of everything tell you find out what you want and he has made his own style of Tai Chi chuan(with the help of some of his instructors) this style he says is influence by Lohan kungfu.
He had several instructors the main ones from China, and Hong Kong.
learnt in Animals, North and Southern Shaolin and others.

the name of his school is Wu Gung Tao,
and I will probably study some animal and his style of Tai Chi CHuan(WuGungTao Tai chi chuan)
but I will study Northen Lohan , and Wing Chun.

Class was cool

he pratice chi sao, and apparently you can learn some things out of books and videos, but nothing beats an instructor. I learned that in about 6 minutes of class.