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Thread: what art for bodytype

  1. #61
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    Apoweyne, don't Hurt your head. ~

    If it's a matter of leverage, force going down onto a practitioner or straigt on close to the waist can be received and done some thing with so that the receiver stays standing. But up force can take a person off their feet.

    Last night, small class I was holding the bag. There was an inside joke about knocking over the water bottle. The length of your legswas going above your waist which was above mine (as I held the pad (bag). Thats when you knocked the bottle. Bot down or straight at me near waist level I could manage those. the up angle took me with it. I didn't understand what to hold on to. Perhaps if I Knew T'ai Chi Ch'uan I could have done better even up angle. But a Taller person's waist might already be higher so, they can be gotten under better.

    Style: move to the open side of your opponentblock closest leg kick move in some then fake a front kick with pointing of the knee up; pivot towards their kicking leg; roundhouse or back kick or sidekick.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  2. #62
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    killorbe - I'm going to sidestep the whole argument, interesting as it is, and suggest you look into SE Asian arts. I have a fairly compact body, I practice Kombatan Modern Arnis, & I find that the footwork, the focus on flow, and the hand techniques seem more naturally suited to me than other arts I've studied (I currently also train in chin na & traditional taoist korean arts). Many varieties of the SE Asian arts are out there, and many are complete in teaching all ranges of fighting, though I will say that legwork is one thing that's been underemphasized in my Philippino training. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.

  3. #63
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    no know,

    good observation. but in truth, the thing about knocking over the water bottle on the floor behind you wasn't really designed to illustrate anything about power generation, angle, or anything else. it was just designed to give sasha and ginger some sense of intent. they're good at hitting the air shield, but there's no intensity. i wanted to give them a reason to hit it harder. that's all.

    stuart b.

  4. #64
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    Jul 2002
    I really don't understand this debate.

    Honest, I don't.

    No coach I know would tell a 7' tall, 150# kid that they have the body for wrestling. Neither would any coach I know tell a 5'4" kid with rock-solid physique and a low center of gravity for his height that he'd be a natural at basketball.

    That doesn't mean that there are some very good, even great wrestlers who are tall and lanky, and Mugsy Boggs showed us what a short guy can do in basketball at the top level.

    But that also doesn't mean that those attributes didn't have to be adjusted too in order to succeed.

    6' and shorter basketball players are rare at the top level because being short in that sport is a disadvantage that needs to be overcome by having exceptional skills in other areas of the game.

    If you're 6'8" you can have average defensive skills. If you're 5'7" you can't be average on defense or you'll be a liability to the team, you need to be exceptional in that area of the game.

    Likewise, if you're a 7' tall, lanky wrestler you can't afford average hand speed, or you'll loose too many matches to just not getting the leverage you need in place first. You need to excell with your hand work as a 7' tall wrestler or you won't be any good at all.

    It seems to me that within the MA world there are MA's that are more suited to one body type than to others. However, the differences in the MA world are relatively small at the level most people practice them, so it is true that you can do quite well with any body type in any style.

    One can master any style with any body type, but that isn't to say that there won't be adjustements one has to make due to mismatches between body type and stylistic demands. Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that for some people, they could potentially achieve more, faster, if they pick an art more suited to their particular physique.

    None of which says that they can't excell at any martial art, just that the "bag for the buck" of effort can be higher in some stylesl than in others.

  5. #65
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    New York City
    Killorbe, here's my 2 cents. My dimensions are not much different than yours. A very good style for a short, strong man is the Hung System. It is a style not talked about much on these forums, but the training is grueling. It is well suited to a short bull body type. It takes advantage of strength more than some other styles. One thing about Hung Gar practitioners is that when you get good at it, you hit hard. Seriously hard. And the strikes carry over well into ground fighting. Hung Gar strikes are devastating from the mounted position. Not to mention that your blocks hurt while trading strikes standing up.

    I agree completely with the people telling you the grappling arts would be good for you. I am sure you can pick people up and throw them. But Striking is important as well. Hung Gar also includes a lot of Powerful Claw techniques, that also work well from the ground. If you are rolling around with an opponent, and you can dig your fingers into one of his joints like pliers, you can really ruin his day.

    There are similar styles to Hung Gar out there as well, Fu-Jow Pai is one, although it is hard to find outside the NYC area. You have nothing to lose by walking into a good Hung Gar school and watching a class.

    Good Luck in your training.

  6. #66
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    the coach is concerned with winning games. not with your development (except in so far that it relates to winning games).

    besides, basketball is a game. it's played in only a finite number of ways. and you said it yourself. players can find ways to tailor their style to suit their build. with something that has fewer limitations, the amount of room for tailoring is greater.

    you said you don't understand the debate. but you also recognize points on both sides of the argument. well... there's the debate.

    stuart b.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  7. #67
    Join Date
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    Tampa, Florida

    alrighty then

    i think the only difference with different body types in a particular style is that you will possibly, at a higher level , gravitate towards FIGHTING techniques that feel more suited to you, and that could be based on body type. the reason why i put "fighting" in caps is because i was differentiating from form techs., which may be different, as some things are hidden in these. good times.

    btw Apo, where in MD are you from? i grew up there.
    Last edited by mantiskilla; 04-22-2011 at 05:47 AM.

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
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    "Ok taking this thread to extreams a 5 foot 5 inch tall guy weighing 250 pounds is not going to be great at back fliping into the splits in wu shu (if you can call modern wu shu a martial art) but that same guy is going to be great at sumo."

    Great sumo but also great Samo...Samo Hung. Big/fat people can be exceedingly flexible And graceful. Samo Hung is an example of well distributed weight person doing back flips and wushu moves (better when younger).

    Original poster:

    How do you like to move? What Tactics do you like. This more than Style for you. Once you understand your preferred type of tactics you can find a style. If you looked for style by body type you would be hindered by comfort if those were tactics with which you were uncomfortable. Tactics hen style, by here, evaluate if body type is a significant factor.

    The rest:

    There seems to be a like mind of short then best as or good as wrestler.

    Judoka juijitsu-ists need hip to hip~ contact short is no help besides slipping in. Short makes leveraging situational when woring from a strikers limb. As the bodies would be so far away. execution time of a technique gets longer reducing feasibility of bothering to try throw. Throws from locks are more feasible. But like the T'ai Chi Ch'uan person who has long reach who intercepts and offbalances you from a distance. The short jiujitsuka takes opponents reaching intakes wrist whenempty then punishes taller opponent. But staple techniques of body throws are near useless to execute for shorter juijitsuka.

    Shorter taller juijitsuka, are they tailoring Juijitsu to fit them?
    No. Juijitsu is comprised of blanket techniques. Different sizes/lengths/skills require different tactics. Juijitsu adresses this. Fighting Kung-Fus address this.

    Tall T'ai Chi Ch'uan playercan intercept earlier, a plus.
    Short T'ai Chi Ch'uan player is lesslikely to get force from underneath to uproot self. Good, not better merely good.

    5'11" Basketball has aspects based on positioning, strength and mobility of stance and speed. World record for High Jump in Track and Field event Olympic is theoretically above six feet. 5'11" plus armlength to wrist plus momentum plus strength in legs plus resistance on going up muchly adresses dunking and lay-up. Shooting is also a way to score. Passing is a valuable technique under positioning. 5'11" could be a great basketball player in NBA even. Not playing the way others have tailored the play to them. But by playing the game and playing Smart.

    All the styles that assign body type theoretically refer to doing specific techniques. While a System can get known for certain techniques or styles it might have more than one technique or style. Being smart and realizing the aspect you can best utilize should not be a place of disgrace.

    The grappler as shorter needs to travel further through enemy territory to be effective ish aggressively. No plus except to mobility game

    Shorter means stronger--body levers.

    To a major range, There are No disadvantages.

    Perhaps some might say very very
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    Alexandria, VA

    Re: alrighty then

    Originally posted by mantiskilla
    i think the only difference with different body types in a particular style is that you will possibly, at a higher level , gravitate towards FIGHTING techniques that feel more suited to you, and that could be based on body type. the reason why i put "fighting" in caps is because i was differentiating from form techs., which may be different, as some things are hidden in these. good times.

    btw Apo, where in MD are you from? i grew up there.


    now this, i agree with. you're definitely going to gravitate toward certain tactics and techniques based on your build. but i think that those tactics and techniques can be manifested through most martial arts. i feel like there's a lot more personal control to it than these 'what style?' threads tend to convey. but that's just my opinion.

    where in maryland am i from... well, i was born in england, moved to severna park when i was 10 (just outside of annapolis, as you probably know). went to college in saint mary's city. lived in laurel (one year), columbia (three years), montgomery village (two years), millersville...

    i usually consider myself to be from annapolis. how about you?

    stuart b.
    When you assume, you make an ass out of... pretty much just you, really.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tampa, Florida


    grew up in Catonsville, outside Baltimore. went to college at MICA. havent been back in a few years. did much beverage consumption in the Fellspoint area
    good times
    Klonopin rehab forums
    Last edited by mantiskilla; 04-22-2011 at 05:49 AM.

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