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Thread: BSL Lyrics: 18 techniques

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    BSL Lyrics: 18 techniques

    If memory serves, some of these lines are redundant to Tom Toy but the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Also it's worthy of note that the tiger claw line (read dragon) seems unique to my Sifu (as disccused on another thread) and his Hung Gar influence.

    EIGHTEEN TECHNIQUES: SUP BAT SAN SHOU (Eighteen loose hands)
    1. Golden dragon offers its claws.
    2. Pek Kwar (hanging punch) scissor hand.
    3. Single chop to Wah mountain.
    4. Jade belt around the waist.
    5. The ghost king waves the fan.
    6. Swimming dragon comes out of the sea.
    7. Flying cannon shoots at the sky.
    8. Golden star swings around the corner.
    9. Spinning wheel reverse swinging movements.
    10. Push the boat, follow the current.
    11. Meteor star chases the moon.
    12. Mantis catches the gnat.
    13. Continuous up and down strike.
    14. Hook, snap, back kick.
    15. Old tree gnarls its roots.
    16. Coil the leg, low snap kick.
    17. Continuous flying kick.
    18. Front and back sweep.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Francisco BAy Area

    Shaolin Eighteen Hands

    Pretty Close to what I have:

    (Open)Roll the hand to form a flower, Crouching Tiger
    1.Dragon Offer its Claws
    2.Hang Striking Scissors
    3.Single Chop to Mt Wah (Buddha Strikes the Bell)
    4.Jade Belt Wraps around the Waist
    5.Swimming Dragon Comes out of the Sea (Tearing Apart Cloth, Go Thru it)
    6.Ghost King Flips His Fan
    7.Cannon Shoots Towards the Sky
    8.Spinning Wheel Reverse
    9.Golden Star Swings Around
    10.Push the Boat and Flow with the Current
    11.Meteor Star Chases the Moon
    12.Mantis Catches the Gnat, Continuous up and down strike.
    13.Hook, White Horse Flies Hoof, Cannon Shoots the Sky
    14.Old Tree Gnarls its Roots
    15.Dragon King Grabs Pole with Slides Kick, Low Side Kick, Ghost King Flips Fan
    16.Double Hooks, Continuous Flying Kick
    17.Little Ghost Bends his Body
    18. Front and Back Sweep,
    (End) Revolve Hands, form a Flower, Croaching Tiger

    Very Similar except for row 12 combiines two of your rows (12 & 13) and my Row 13 is different but similar to your row 14 and row 17 is not in your set.

    Rows 5 and 6 are reversed order.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Im sure that the Chinese characters are the same for the individual lines - the variation is certainly in the translation. The order change is really interesting. I wonder how that came about? Now you've seen our version on Wing Lam's video series - how do the variations fit with that?

    I should note that I don't practice 18 techniques. I was begging Sifu Lam to teach it to me for years, then he went and taught it when I was away at Shaolin Temple. I came back and learned it all in one night (since I had the whole BSL system, the techniques were redundant, and it was just about remembering the pattern.) But since then, I've let it go, focusing more on the Songshan jibengong. That is also an 18 (but there is variation between monks.)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    San Francisco BAy Area

    from what I could remember, I know that there are slight differences. Specifically I have to really think about it. There is like one move missing in one line, cannot remember which and the other difference is the line that I mention earlier in row 13, White Horse Flies its Hoof instead of a side kick.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Hmm, sidekicks

    Sifu Wing Lam doesn't really have any sidekicks in his BSL. Swinging sidekicks, yes, but nothing I'd actually call a sidekick in the general terminology.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Albuquerque & Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Hi Horacio,

    I too have trained in the use of Ku Yu Cheung's Northern Shaolin 18 Hands. See lyrics listed below:

    Hui Clan

    18 Hands
    (Sup Bot Shou)

    * The 18 Representive Categories of Combative Methods of Attack *

    (1) Gum Lung Hien Jow - Golden Dragon Offers its Claws.

    (2) Yuk Dai Wan Yue - Jade Belt Wraps Around Waist.

    (3) Fo Pow Chung Tien - Fire Cannon to the Center of Heaven.

    (4) Suen Shui Tui Jau - The Boat Flows with the Water.

    (5) Lien Wan Cheung Gik - Continuous Charging Supreme.

    (6) Poon Tui Chai Tui - Scooping Leg, Stomping Leg.

    (7) Pek Kua Gen Shou - Splitting Scissors Hand.

    (8) Gwei Wong Poot Sien - Ghost King Waves its Fan.

    (9) Gum Sing Kua Qot- Golden Star Hangs on a Horn.

    (10) Lok Sing Poon Yuet - Falling Star Chases the Moon.

    (11) Ou Tan Hui Tek - Hooking leg, Back Kick.

    (12) Lien Wan Fei Tek - Continuous Flying Kicks.

    (13) Dok Pek Wah San - Splitting Wah Mountain.

    (14) Yan Long Chut Hoi - Swimmimg Dragon Exits the Ocean.

    (15) Che Lun Fan Kua - Cart Wheel Turns Over.

    (16) Tang Lang Bo Sien - Praying Mantis Catches the Cicada.

    (17) Lo Shu Poon Gun - Old Tree Wraps It's Roots.

    (18) Chien Hui So Hung - Front Back Sweeps the Ground.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Nice to see this thread back up again

    Do you have lyrics for any of the other BSL sets? If you do, search BSL lyrics and you'll find the others that we posted. Please add on to them! Thanks for sharing!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Buenos Aires , Argentina

    xie xie!!!

    thanks a lot again to everybody for the valious information.
    I have been reading que lyrics, in our branch (Chan Kowk Wai) we have difference in the last two lines.
    We donīt have flying kick, indstead it is a geel kick. The sweeps are also differente,we perform a short sweep.
    All the rest is the same.
    By the Way Hui clan, who s your teacher?
    kindest regards
    Horacio Di Renzo
    Asociacion Kai Men Kung Fu -Buenos Aires - Argentina
    Formal Student of GM Chan Kowk Wai

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Buenos Aires , Argentina

    Dragon Claws

    I dont know if I ve writen it before but in our line we also perform Dragon Claws as the first line.
    Horacio Di Renzo
    Asociacion Kai Men Kung Fu -Buenos Aires - Argentina
    Formal Student of GM Chan Kowk Wai

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Albuquerque & Santa Fe, New Mexico

    NSL 18 Hands

    It's great to see this tread revived again.

    Kai Men when will you post your (CKWL) lyrics version of the 18 Hands?
    It will be great to compare your lyrics with mine, as well as the others.

    "Buk Sil Lum Yot Ga."

    Hui Clan

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Buenos Aires , Argentina


    Hui Clan:
    Sorry, no lirics, I have never learnt any liric from my forms. My teacher surely has the ones but I haven't got them, as I told in another message in response to Gene.
    May be we can compare techniques, or movements, instead of poetic names.
    Horacio Di Renzo
    Asociacion Kai Men Kung Fu -Buenos Aires - Argentina
    Formal Student of GM Chan Kowk Wai

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