I've been told that the tassel can be used to grab a wrist, but I've yet to see it practically employed. Also the concept of grazing the eyes I've also been told, but overall, neither one makes a lot of sense because many attacks with the straight sword are done to the opponent's wrist with the cutting part of the blade, out near the end, thereby making much use of the tassle impracticle for wrapping or attacking. I've also heard that the backside of the broadsword up near the point (that straight part about 6 inches long) used to be sharp, but I've seen no evidence of this except in a Bagua Broadsword form I learned that used that part of the sword to cut in one movement near the beginning of the form. I don't know what's true and what's conjecture sometimes. Have you or anyone else heard of this part of the broadsword being used for attacking?