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Thread: Pilates

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Humble,Texas USA


    Hello Guys

    Has anyone here tried pilates? If so, what was your expereience like? Would you consider it a good workout for a MAist to try? I recently met a girl who said she does Pilates and all I can say was Yowza! She was really cute, really defined etc. DShe says that she has a 3-4 guys in her class and they are getting similar results. Some of their stretches seem to be effective for me.(she showed me a few)

    Just a thought.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Reno, Nv, USA
    Need more info.

    What the hell are pilates?

  3. #3
    They have a class at my job, but I didn't register for it, so I don't really know. I read the brochure the teacher was giving out - it seems interesting, but I wasn't willing to pay for it.
    i'm nobody...i'm nobody. i'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo... a boxcar and a jug of wine... but i'm a straight razor if you get to close to me.

    -Charles Manson

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    - Shonie Carter

  4. #4
    It's basically a way to get chicks to get resistance training without having to actually lift weights. Because you know, lifting weights is not womanly. Some say that pilates "lengthens" muscles as you tone and firm them or some shiat like that. And that is kinda hard to do since genetics basically gave you your muscle shape. Also, they say it strengthens the core. Well, heavy squats and deadlifts also strengthen the core and so does abs, lower back, and oblique exercises.

    Pilates, Feldenkrais, Yoga, etc., claim to make women look leaner and firmer, etc., They also claim to strengthen and do other stuff. Well, no need to pay $$ for these classes, just go lift weights. That will probably be a better solution for MAs , chicks, or MA chicks anyway. Although you'll probably see more hot chicks in a pilates class.

  5. #5

    Sounds like another version of the same old, same old. Pretty much Iyengar/Astanga yoga, with a few resistance machines thrown in.
    "i can barely click the link. but i way why stop drinking .... i got ... moe .. fcke me out of it" - GDA on Traditional vs Modern Wushu
    but what if the man of steel hasta fight another man of steel only that man of steel knows kung fu? - Kristoffer
    How do you think monks/strippers got started before the internet? - Gene Ching
    Find your peace in practice. - Gene Ching

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Richland, MS, USA
    It has a lot of stretching in the system as opposed to resistance training. I think it does appeal to women more than weight training for the reasons already given, but I'd steer someone towards pilates before tae bo anyday... Which is why I told my wife to go ahead and order the pilates tape because she wanted a low-impact stretching workout and this appears to fit the bill.

    By the way, if you've ever checked out the infomercial for pilates, that one chick performing the workout routine is SMOKIN' HOT.
    K. Mark Hoover

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I'll just come out and say gf is packing it on. She finally ordered these pilates tapes and she is freakin stubborn when it comes to exercise because she used to row and play sports and yadda yadda..a real expert of course. ..In her opinion, it won't work. I actually think she is going to do it to prove me wrong! Well, lets hope she does it, sticks to it, and sees results. I do agree though, you are given a certain body type...BUT, i also beleive that within that body, you can look the best you can.

    Having said that, I hope my gf turns out like the hot pilates chick mentioned in this thread. Hey, if we train 5 days a week in MA AND weight lifting, i think we have a right to expect some type of exsertion from our ladies no?!....aaaa feels good to get that off my chest.
    Michael Panzerotti
    Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

  8. #8
    Well it is supposed to work quite well with external arts. For one of the reasons being that it doesnt build bulk like weights and it lets your muscles be flexible and strong instead of tight and strong. It will also probaly help you punch faster because it helps you gain quite a bit of flexibility.

  9. #9
    Rory? Is that from Gilmore Girls? Man, that character is such a **** even though the show doesn't make her as one.

  10. #10


    I am actually a man and That is my real name, hehe Usally a girls name like rory would be spelled with an i like rori or cori hehe I know People do think I like teh show but i do not actually.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hico, Tx
    As you PROBABLY know Rory, not all weight lifting will make you bigger... just sounded like you said that, hope you know better.

  12. #12

    There is a free pilates video on offer (link on the right hand side) - I don't think it will do more than introduce it and try to flog you more videos though.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    san Francisco,CA, usa
    As a fitness professional, I would like to clarify the misunderstanding of the results of each of the exercises listed. Each one has different goals and deliver different results.

    Pliates is a core stabilizing system of exercises, delivering lean flexible results. Not a lot of internal training as far of development of chi, but effective in getting people started in exercise. I would recommend it for beginners and dancers. Good to restabilize the body.

    Yoga is more complete in nature. A good class should deliver a 100% full body workout. Yoga with proper diet can deliver a quite strong body. The body types depending on the yoga system tend to be long, lean and strong. You also get internal training through the concentration on breath.

    As for Feldenkrais, From what I have heard it is more of a form of bodywork, though I may be wrong.

    Muscle can be lengthen and strengthened. Yoga has done it for over 5000 years, Pilates has done it for over 60 years. Weight training alone will not deliver this type of muscle. You should stretch in addition.

    San Francisco, CA
    Last edited by Brian_CA; 08-10-2002 at 06:23 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    xebby is no more, his creator dwells elsewhere
    You guys, theres a chick on MTV Brasil that does it. Yes, she turns me on.
    "If you're havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    "If you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack
    Maybe you'll love me when i fade to black"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt 4 2019!

    Random infomercial. But the KFT&H subforum can always use a little luv, ya know?

    Pilates Is Nearly 100 Years Old And Still One Of The Best Total-Body Workouts
    Women's Health
    Laurel Leicht

    Photo credit: FreshSplash - Getty Images
    From Women's Health

    Ever walk past a Pilates studio and wonder if the equipment inside is some kind of medieval torture device? You're not alone. Despite being nearly 100 years old, the workout method still remains a mystery to most people who don't already practice it.

    If you’ve never tried Pilates, the appeal and experience of taking a class, either in-studio or online, or signing up for a private session might not be so obvious. But the first thing you should know is that “Pilates is more than a fitness routine,” says Marina Kaydanova, founder of BK Pilates in New York City.

    “It’s meant to fix alignment and improve mobility," she explains. "In that way, it’s sort of a form of physical therapy.” Pilates workouts are all about slow, controlled movements that tone muscles, increase muscular endurance, and promote good posture and balance.

    And in case you were wondering why it gets capitalized when yoga, for example, does not, it's because Pilates is named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, who developed the exercise style in the 1920s in Germany. Ever since, it's been popular with dancers, not to mention super-fit celebs (see: Kate Hudson), who swear by the fitness method because it's hardcore (read: lots of abs) but low impact.

    Keep reading for everything you need to know before your first Pilates workout—plus, all the health benefits to expect after taking up the muscle-shaking sessions.

    What happens in a Pilates class?
    That depends a lot on what sort of session you sign up for. All classes fall under two main types: mat and reformer, though there are tons of variations—like those done on a bigger, supercharged Megaformer at studios like CHI50, the Studio MDR, and SLT.

    The good news for newbies is that “you can achieve the same results with mat or reformer classes and can do either one if you’re just starting out,” says Kaydanova. The main difference is that using a machine gives you more options and can up the challenge, she notes. She also says to keep in mind that muscles are harder to target on the mat, which means "you just might need to add some props to a mat class for certain moves," she explains. "For instance, you can’t do inner thighs on a mat unless you have a magic circle.” WTH is a magic circle? More on that later....

    Reformer classes add resistance with a spring-based machine. (Joseph Pilates created the first ones by rigging up springs on hospital beds.) “Moving on a reformer strengthens you as you move one way and stretches you the other way,” says Kaydanova. Using a machine makes it more interesting but also gives you more support than a mat class, she says, as you can play with resistance depending on your ability.

    Mat classes don’t require a large machine, but you’ll likely reach for other pieces of gear—like a block, the aforementioned magic circle (also known as a Pilates ring), and mini exercise ball—to pump up certain moves, add stability to exercises, and help you connect with your deepest core muscles.

    Aside from there being two types of Pilates workouts (reformer and mat) there are also two styles of Pilates workouts—classical and contemporary—and the exercises you’ll perform has everything to do with which one you choose.

    Classical style runs you through 34 of the same exact moves (with straightforward names like the roll up, spine twist, jack knife, and the all-time classic abs moves the Hundred) in the same exact order every session. (Moves can be altered slightly depending on your level.)

    Watch this video to get familiar with a dozen common exercises you'll likely do in your first Pilates workout:

    Contemporary style classes, on the other hand, mix in more creative choreography and exercises from other fitness modalities such as lunges, plank variations, and other popular bodyweight resistance moves. If you're not sure which style the studio or instructor you're taking lessons from teaches, just ask.

    No matter which type and style of Pilates workout you choose, you’ll likely hear some new lingo during your first lesson. Common terms your instructor might use include: control, alignment, C-curve, roll up and roll down, and articulate (meaning to roll down one vertebra at a time). Don't worry, though, you're teacher will either demo or talk through what each of these terms means and offer adjustments and cues to help you execute them properly.

    No matter what Pilates workout you choose, prepare to feel it: “People are surprised after the class, how sore they are and how much they hurt, even if the class is paced more slowly than they expected,” says Kaydanova. But you’ll also feel good. You’ll likely walk out of the studio a little lighter on your feet than when you came in—feeling more elongated and relaxed, since stretching is half the point of Pilates.

    What should you wear to and expect from your first Pilates workout?
    Think form-fitting. A pair of leggings or Spandex shorts and a sports bra or not-too-baggy tank are the way to go, and many studios require students to wear socks with grippy treads on the soles.

    How often should you do Pilates?
    For the best results, aim for a few weekly sessions. “Two to three times a week is ideal,” says Kaydanova. “But what I always say is: Everything you do is more than you didn’t do.”

    Will Pilates help you lose weight?
    It definitely could—but it might depend on how much you exercise to begin with. Women who did Pilates three times a week for eight weeks lost weight and inches in their waist and improved their BMI, in one small study from Pamukkale University in Turkey. However, the women in the research were overweight and inactive beforehand.

    If you already get your sweat on often, adding Pilates to your routine might not end up tipping the scale down. But even if you don’t drop pounds, adding muscle and improving your posture make the workout a win-win.

    What else is Pilates good for?
    A lot. Research has shown that hitting the mat regularly improves muscular endurance and flexibility. After just eight weeks of a Pilates routine, people showed improved flexibility in a study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. It’s also a killer core workout, which can not only give you envy-worthy abs, but can also help you stand up straighter and nix back pain.

    Are there any risks to practicing Pilates?
    All in all, it’s a pretty safe workout to pick up. “Pilates is very welcoming and safe for your body,” says Kaydanova. That being said, for the best experience, you should always let your instructor know about any injuries or conditions you’re experiencing. If you’re pregnant, for instance, you can totally keep up a Pilates routine—but your teacher will let you know all the tweaks you need to make to keep the session safe.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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