My first week in Florida I got pulled over for an expired tag by this rookie cop. Really enthusiastic guy, first week out on patrol by himself. "Did you know your tag expired on January 1st?" was the first thing he asked me. I explained to him that in the Georgia tag system (at that time) tags did expire at the first of the year but that there was a 5-month renewal period, and that you could not renew your tag until your "number" came up. In my case, March (still a month away).

The cop shows me the back of my registration and says, "Yeah, but it says it expires, right here! I saw it this morning when I pulled over somebody else from Georgia."

I went, "Yeah, but did you see the paragraph under it? The one that explains the renewal procedure?" His eyes just glazed over and he said, "That doesn't matter. I've pulled over like, 40 people today and they're ALL expired! Isn't that something!"

Took the ticket to court and the judge threw it out. He said I was probably the hundredth Georgia driver he'd seen that week.