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Thread: Happy Halloween!

  1. #76
    Ba dum tss

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    Hey! None of you showed up! What a bunch of pu$$ies! LOL! I at least expected a hell raiser like Fiercest Tiger would show up!
    I was on the metro earlier, deep in meditation, when a ruffian came over and started causing trouble. He started pushing me with his bag, steadily increasing the force until it became very annoying. When I turned to him, before I could ask him to stop, he immediately started hurling abuse like a scoundrel. I performed a basic chin na - carotid artery strike combination and sent him to sleep. The rest of my journey was very peaceful, and passersby hailed me as a hero - Warrior Man

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    This whole thread was already covered in the thread "Who wants to go egging tonight"?
    Well it is now since I merged the threads What's that egg stain on my car, btw? And what are you going to be for Halloween? A chicken?

    Egging is more of an east coast thing. I was raised in PA and we used to have Mischief Night, which was all about soaping windows, egging, and smashing pumpkins. When I came out to CA, no one was doing that.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    yeeaa. but eggin' random people gets you shot here so it don't seem to be working for us too well neither. its best to get a huge group of friends and go out hunting each other instead.

    "better to reside in hell knowing the truth than to be blissfully ignorant in heaven."

    "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."- Doug Adams

    I dare you to make less sense!

    "Freeze?! You know if i drop the tooth fairy i'm only gettin' started mother****er!"

    "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Okay, ill admit at first i was very skeptical. i didnt want to see it. well for one a young hot jamie lee curtis will be missing.

    second i wasnt particularly impressed with any of rob zombies film ventures in the past. i didnt hate, just wasnt awed.

    but after the past few days of previews i think ill actually shell out at the theatre for this one.

    it looks like its going to be shot from more of a personal aspect with Myers so it might be pretty cool.

  6. #81

    Horror Films for Halloween


    Some fims suggestions for 10/31/07:

    Horror Hotel (aka City of the Dead): Considering the time it was made, this film is the bomb. It is about witchcraft and human sacrifice in a New England town, where good and evil exist side by side. It also features a very young Christopher Lee. The pacing is excellent and the opening score is just fantastic.

    John Carpenter's The Thing: FANTASTIC!!!! A must see. A mysterious shapeshifting alien is discovered in the Artic (or is it Antartic) that tries to embed itself in a series of hosts in order to survive. This flick still holds up and will scare the slime out of children and adults too!!

    Hellraiser and Hellraiser II: What's your pleasure? A mysterious box, a la Rubic's Cube, transports the user into the world of the Cenobites, masters of a very austere practice the bridges the gap between pleasure and pain. Geared for adults.

    Fiend Without a Face: This film was the inspiration to the face hugger in Alien. Invisible brains, spines attached, try to take over the world. Their spine is used to strangle.

    They Live: A fantastic low budget movie about alien control of our society via subliminal messages and the media. Stars Rowdy Roddy Piper and Kieth David. Another John Carpenter Classic.
    Last edited by mickey; 10-05-2007 at 07:34 PM.

  7. #82
    Join Date
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    omaha, NE
    My favorite horror is the Stepfather. Scared the holy crap out of me.

    Another good one is Invasion Body Snatchers (Donald Sutherland).
    Last edited by jethro; 10-05-2007 at 07:30 PM.
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Suspiria (1977). This Italian film, filmed and set in Germany, is about an American woman who goes there to study at an exclusive dance academy that she comes to realize is run by witches. Although the basic plot doesn't sound like all that, this movie has a very creepy/menacing atmosphere. And although it is mostly all atmosphere, the opening murder scene is surprisingly graphic and realistic, and holds up just as well today as it did back then.

    The House by the Cemetery (1981). This one is also creepy, and has a couple of pretty believable murder scenes. Also an Italian film, it has a creepy monster, Dr. Freudstein, who lives in the basement of a New England mansion.

    Phantasm (1978). The first installment has long been a favorite of mine. I'll just say that the setting of the funeral home, the Tall Man, flying sphere and midget monsters make this a fun ride.

    Infection (2002). This film was made in Japan and is a good phychological thriller about an odd infection that begins taking over the staff of a hospital. When you really examine it, this is a film about the consequences that are visited on medical professionals who lose all empathy for their patients.

    The Evil Dead (1982). 'Nuff said.

    The Re-Animator (1985). University medical students experiment with a serum that brings the dead back to life.

    Dog Soldiers (200?). A great British movie that is a combination action/horror film about a group of soldiers on a training exercise in the Scottish Highlands that encounters a family of werewolves. I liked the performances and the werewolf effects are quite well-done.

    Bubba Ho-Tep (2002). This horror-comedy is about what if Elvis didn't really die, but a double that he paid to take his place? The real Elvis is now in a Texas convalescent home with a black man who calls himself JFK, and they uncover evidence of an Egyptian mummy wearing cowboy boots who sucks the souls of the elderly. Bruce Campbell does a hilarious Elvis.

    The Howling (1981). A decent, campy flick that nonetheless has, IMO, the single greatest werewolf transformation scene in cinema.

    Evil Dead Trap (1985). A Japanese version of the '80s slasher horror flick.

    Demons (1985). This Italian movie (also taking place in Germany) is about a horror movie premiere in which the audience becomes infected by the evil from the movie and become flesh-eating demons.

    28 Days Later. You've probably seen this already, but one of the better new horror films.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Phoenix, AZ

    For my money,

    it doesn't get better than Kubrick's The Shining -- probably my favorite Nicholson performance in a lifetime of stellar performances. Everything about that film is just so creepy -- even the score and the cinematography. And Kubrick manages to keep the tension and suspense going throughout the movie with almost no gore. I've seen it probably a dozen times and it never gets old ...

    Some of my favorites in recent years have been:

    Frailty (2001, Bill Paxton, Matthw McConaughey) about a psychotic mechanic who raises his two son to butcher people with axes because God has marked them as demons

    Event Horizon (1997, Lawrence Fishburne, Sam Neill) my favorite Sci-Fi Horrow movie since Aliens

    Skeleton Key (2005, Kate Hudson) -- a movie about Hoodoo with a wicked twist of an ending right up there with Seven and Fallen

    I'm thinking of checking 30 Days of Night out on Halloween night -- then again, I could go to a free Alice Cooper concert here in Phoenix which would be cool in its own right.
    The Eye Half-Shut:
    Part of the Truth Revealed

  10. Ghoul's night out

    I second the motion for Bubba Ho-tep.. Bruce Campbell is the best Elvis ever..(and the explination of how Elvis is "alive" was very clever)
    Shaun of the dead, kind of more of a comedy, but the zombies arent treated with comedic intent, and thats why it works, plus its just a great movie.
    Any of George A. Romero's "living dead" trilogy (i know there are four, but true fans know there are three, note how in Night of they are referred to as Ghouls, or those things, not zombies..and while considered some as "B" films this is the first trilogy of films to ever be remade, showing an influence beyond any other film in any genere)
    John Carpenters Halloween...(hopefully Micheal Myeres' next victim is Rob Zombie)
    I havent seen it , but isnt there a movie called Shaolin Vs. Evild Dead ?
    Dracula .
    Creature from the black lagoon
    Sleepy Hollow
    From Hell
    The Shining
    Creepshow& Creepshow 2
    War of the Worlds

    "...They're Comming to get you Barbara...!"
    martial arts and music share the same principles, both wrestle with complex chords and rare melodies.

  11. #86
    Join Date
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    CA, USA
    Carnival of Souls (1962). This is a very low-budget black & white film that gave me the creeps way back when I was a kid; it still has great atmospherics. About a female church organist who is the sole survivor of a car crash, who moves to a new town but is stalked by the specter of death. The end scene should be watched alone in a dark house late at night. No blood, no gore, no violence, and more effective for it.

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). The original is still the best. This kinda disturbed me as a kid, but in recent decades (since the '80s) it's become one of my faves. In fact, my adult niece and I know the characters/script by heart and joke about it a lot. There are disturbing parts, all, again, without any actual graphic gore. That takes considerable more skill to do than today's over-the-top blood-n-guts killfests.

    I agree that John Carpenter's original Halloween is still the best (and only good,IMO) Michael Meyers movie.

    The original A Nightmare on Elm Street was a good movie until it was ruined by all the sequels and the making of Freddy Krueger into an "icon".

    The Legend of Hell House (1973). Great haunted house movie, about the "Mount Everest of haunted houses" in England. A team is assembled to investigate the Belasco House; the team includes the lone survivor of the previous team.

    The Haunting (1963). Forget the remake; the original is one of the more realistic and well-made haunted house movies of all time. Not action-packed, it's all psychological and hypnotic. Most of the audible script is the thoughts of the main character as it's happening, which differentiates it from virtually any movie I've ever seen.

    Carrie (1976). Not a scary movie, but I've always liked the story and the acting by Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie in particular. An unpopular teen with telekinetic powers is finally pushed too far.

    John Carpenter's The Fog (1979). A good old-fashioned ghost story. 'Nuff said.

    Army of Darkness (1992). The third installment of the Evil Dead trilogy. This one never fails to crack me up. It also has some indoor sets which are almost reminiscent of the old Shaw Brothers sets (but in an old European style).

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Los Angeles
    Wanna scare the sh!t out of your friends while sitting around. Have this play in the background or watch it attentively.....strange strange biznizz.


    A must see for it's sheer imagery.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt for 2008

    So what's everyone dressing up as? Martial arts masters? That would be a stretch.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    I dressed in a Shanxi opera cloak and a frog-button jacket. A friend asked me if I was dressed up as "the grand master".... Hadn't thought of it before... but with a completely straight face I replied: "yes, yes I am"
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If its warm enough, I am going as a master of Hoda Korosu !!
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

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