I am appalled at the numerous and recurring instances of explicit or implied threats of physical violence on this board in recent weeks, coupled with vain attempts to justify them.

I saw no apparent relevance to the process of learning Wing Chun or martial arts in these instances, but the sort of tit for tat nonsense which spurred the Hatfields and McCoys.

There is no ethical or mature justification for such behavior, IMHO, regardless if such threats are real or hollow. It is disappointing, pitiful, and unbefitting a person of character, good will, or lawfulness to resort to threats of interpersonal violence over disagreements of other sorts, let alone for ethical martial artists to do so. As René alluded elsewhere, those who think their self-interest is served by such things are greatly mistaken.

No one could have the bandwidth to call out every objectionable, irrational, or illogical thing that crosses these boards, and I wouldn't dream of holding any one person accountable for policing such a thing. This sort of thing, however, crosses a line that I for one cannot condone through silence. Those who write and say these sorts of things are responsible unto themselves for it.

I strenuously disapprove, and trust there are others who do as well. Mostly, I hope that the energy of such misguided efforts will be re-channelled toward something more constructive.

So that's my public service announcement on the subject.

- Kathy Jo