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Thread: so is wudang a stlye or not?

  1. #1
    GunnedDownAtrocity Guest

    so is wudang a stlye or not?

    i previously wrote a post asking if anyone studied wudang. mafuyee said that wudang is not a stlye but a clasification for all stlyes taoist in nature. but when i first came to class and asked my teacher the style we studied his response was wudang. i dont want to appear stupid, but this confuses me. can someone help to clear this up?

  2. #2
    MoQ Guest
    Wudong(Wu Tang, Mo Dong) is a mountain region where any number of arts could be developed. The Taoist temples and tone tend towards internal gung fu and the area is known for(at least) moving meditations, straight sword and snake fist.
    You may try posting in the Internal Forum, but if the material isn't internal, I don't know what to tell you ...

  3. #3
    bean curd Guest
    the situation maybe that the style that you are learning, comes from the lineage of five mountains.
    what style do you learn.

    as moq has said, it is a region and its influence is taoist, from here the philosophies scattered, so from an historical perspective, your style could be directly linked to wudang, and this is why your sifu has said what he has said.

    the straight sword is known as the style of wudang sword, although the art itself is varied, from school to school, it is recognised that the straight sword is wudang

  4. #4
    md1 Guest
    yes wudang is a style. we say mudong, it is the trunk of the tree older than sholin. it is internal the 3 major internal styles come from it. comes from mudong mountain my teacher brought it over from their to toronto. I also now have a school. if you have any ? email me

  5. #5
    Shaolin Master Guest


    Any school claiming to teach Wudang style and then teaches only the 3 Tai Qi, Xing Yi & Pakua is not a directly related Wudang Style.

    Wudang Taiyi Wu Xing Quan is a Wudang Style...see if they teach this as then it is true Wudang.
    Also there is Wudang Tai Qi Quan which is very unique. again if they teach a different Tai Qi Quan then it is not necessarily Wudang.

    If not they probably teach Internal Arts (The 3 major ones above) but just choose the name Wudang as it is 'Legendarily' known for them. Noting that Wudang is synonomous with internal styles just like shaolin is with external styles though they are not necessarily directly related.

    Shi Chan Long

    3rd Generation From Zi Xiao Temple on Wudang Shan

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by yaba View Post
    I like to do wudang forms -it makes me happy
    lol. scanning the archive here?
    12 years later... a response!
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  7. #7
    I remember when I started out in the CMA a few decades ago,there was NO Shaolin Temple or a even Wudan Temple then,just rumors and stories of their existence,but now you seem to not only have existing physical Shaolin/Wudan Temples but the monks to go with them.

    Top Tourist spots in China:
    1.The Great Wall
    2.The Shaolin Temple (??)
    3.The Wudan Temple (??)
    4.Taiji Chen Village.

    I know that numbers 1 and 4 were always around,but the rest....

    The "Old" Yang style of Taiji
    Hakka Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Boca Raton, FL
    Regardless I don't think any of this has much to do with "Southern Chinese Kung Fu". Maybe you would more play with this in one of the other groups.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Wudang is not a style.

    When Central Guoshu Institute was formed, ther were 2 departments, the Shaolin department, and the Wudang department. It was a joke. People even today are still talking about it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    wudang is not a style.
    it is a place.

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    wudang is a mountain with over 200 taoist temples.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  12. #12

    so is wudang a style or not ?

    Quote Originally Posted by GunnedDownAtrocity View Post
    i previously wrote a post asking if anyone studied wudang. mafuyee said that wudang is not a stlye but a clasification for all stlyes taoist in nature. but when i first came to class and asked my teacher the style we studied his response was wudang. i dont want to appear stupid, but this confuses me. can someone help to clear this up?
    Wu Dang is a style of kung fu which is basically taoist martial arts .

    Mafuyee , did you get this name from those shaw brothers kung fu movie ? Well ,
    actually shaw brothers , they make good kung fu movies but the story is fictious .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    And being slightly less smartassaholic:

    I find the Stanley Henning suggestion of internal / external as a subtle way of reflecting an anti-quing anti-foreign-influence stance interesting... May read his paper at some point; anyone have any information on the historicity of his suppositions?
    Last edited by SimonM; 07-04-2012 at 12:45 PM.
    Simon McNeil

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