In response to years of ridiculous controversy, Master Gin Foon Mark has decided to clear up some of the political problems surrounding Kwong Sai Jook Lum Praying Mantis Kung Fu.

Master Mark has dedicated his life to the preservation and continuation of this system. Many of the two person forms that teach timing and feeling were constructed by Master Mark and his partner, Chin Ho Dun. There is only one true master of his system - Gin foon Mark himself.Master Mark uses a renewable license system for authorizing students to teach his art. Students wishing to teach his art must dedicate themselves to the style by going through the "first Door" {Master Mark}.
They go through a ceremony and are then issued a certificate that is good for three years. After this three year period they must demonstrate that they are still dedicated to the style and have progressed in order to renew the certificate. Teachers without or with an expired certificate are not authorized members of Master Marks system.

This notice also very much applies to anyone who may have had a ceremony with Master Mark in the past, but has no license to teach under his name. Such a person is also not a member of Master Marks association.

Richard Mantis