I think Chang Style Novice has hit it right on the head about long range field weaponry requiring completely different training, place to train and equipment.

In japanese gunnery (hojutsu) enthusiasts practice set forms in repetition, as well as dismantling/refiguring the weapon in weekly practice, and then do their actual target shooting maybe once monthly at a regular firing range, but plus their wierd get-up.

Kyudo people are fairly common in Japan, so you find lots of martial arts centers run by the municipalities have traditional archery facilities. I don't think crossbows ever took off in Japan though.

In Korea traditional archery and crossbow are taught by seperate groups from hand-to-hand martial arts. I think in both Korean and Japanese cases, the number of people cross-training in both hand-to-hand and range projectile weapons is small.

Looking at some books on traditional chinese weapons, we see throwing coins, ballbearings, powders, darts, knives, needles, blowpipes, slings, bow/arrow, crossbow, cannons. I guess some of these could be practiced today in a martial arts hall, but am really interested in knowing if any traditional groups still do the archery, crossbow or gun.