SO much to my surprise I saw someone post about a set, Um Lung, that I thought was only in my sifus lineage. Can anyone tell me if they also perform this set and how it got into their lineage??
Thanks, R.
SO much to my surprise I saw someone post about a set, Um Lung, that I thought was only in my sifus lineage. Can anyone tell me if they also perform this set and how it got into their lineage??
Thanks, R.
Do you mean Ng Lun Ma? If so, that's Five (Ng) Wheel (Lun) Horse (Ma). There's also Ng Lun Chui, which is 5 Wheel Fist. These are the two most basic fundamental sets of all Choy Lee Fut (or they should be as far as I know) designed to develop a strong, mobile horse and then adding the first basic hands and san sou combinations onto them.
However, if you actually meant Um Lung, then I don't know! Lung means dragon, don't know about Um.
Could you be more specific? What is your sifu's lineage?
"i can barely click the link. but i way why stop drinking .... i got ... moe .. fcke me out of it" - GDA on Traditional vs Modern Wushu
but what if the man of steel hasta fight another man of steel only that man of steel knows kung fu? - Kristoffer
How do you think monks/strippers got started before the internet? - Gene Ching
Find your peace in practice. - Gene Ching
My sifu primarily teaches a family system that is an amalgamation of Hung gar, Short hand Choy li fut and southern Sil lum. The system was passed down within the family. I was under the impression that the family signature set was called Um lung.
Yes I know about the 2 basic sets taught in CLF. Wish that is was that simple.
I looked all over the inter-net for some evidence of this set being taught by other lineages and didn't see it anywhere. Funnily enough someone posted it as a pre-Hung gar set on another forum.
So this was just my attempt to be thorough. Hey no point getting ****ed at someone (for accumulating the set) if the set really isn't just from our family. I just seem to notice some people showing up at tournaments with cam-corders and seeing them doing another styles set as their own within a short time.
Cheers, R
Hi R,
Are you refering to 5th Brother Fist (Oom / Ng Long Kuen)?
What an incredibly powerful and comprehensive set! I thought this was unique to Wong Cheun Yip's lineage as well...
It would take a pretty dedicated person to attempt to learn this form from a videotape!
Hope you guys are doing well!
Hi there Ao Qin!!!
Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you up there in the armpit of Canada.
I see that my spelling must not be correct and yes I did mean the 5th Brother set. Thank you for correcting my spelling. Haven't spoken to you since I was out to see sifu in November.
Yes I agree that learning this set from a video would be horrendous!!!! Still I wondered where someone had acquired the set and whether what they had been taught came form us or was in fact either a reduced or different set.
I am waiting for some more info to come in but I see that you came to the same conclusion as I did re this being a family set.
Cheers, R
Are you talking about choy lay fut?
kung fu books
No, it's Toisan 5 animals southern Shaolin as taught by Wong Chun Yip.
"The man who stands for nothing is likely to fall for anything"