I was wondering about some movements and there names. I've found the BSL Lyrics threads to be very helpful and interesting. However, I do have a question regarding a part of the Dragon Movement Straight Sword: Movements #13, 17, 27, 36, & 55 all have the same name ("Yeh Cha-the nocturnal ghost- searches the sea"), but not all the movements are the same, are they? I never had the names before, but from puzzling things out, it seems to me that these movements are different. A couple seem to be the same like 27 and 55 (Both low reverse bow on the left side), but others are different. When I've had names for movements before, as in tai chi, all movements with the same name are done the same way? Am I confused on these movements or are there differences, or is it something else entirely?
An example where all movements with the same name seem to be the same is "Black Dragon Goes Out to Sea". That all seems to be the same movement, bow stance with gim jie at left eyebrow, sword thrust at shoulder level. Perhaps I'm mistaken here too. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.