Since people are always asking about good references for strength training online, I thought I'd start a new thread with some of the links I've found useful:
Dragon Door Article Index
Clarence Bass' website
The Parallette Training Guide (it requires you to put together parallettes)
"Fat to Fire" by Coach John Davies
Combat Conditioning - Five months without weights by Mike Mahler
The stairstep approach to one-legged squats by Mike Mahler
The Dark side - the Turkish 'Get-up' by Coach Davies
High Rep Snatches by Mike Mahler
"Scrapper's Bodyweight routines" - Body by Fish
Renegade Rope Training by Coach Davies
HIIT Training by Liam Bauer
Not necessarily on strength exercises alone but I've found these pretty interesting:
Eugene Sandow - Golden Age of Ironmen
The Wrestler's Body - Identity and Ideology in North India
The Maxalding Website
Martin "Farmer" Burns - Sports Science Department
A couple of links on diet as well:
Diet and Timing by Charlie Poole
The T-Dawg Diet: Version 2.0
If you guys know of other sites, please share!