Originally posted by CD Lee

Ok, so, when you eat an apple...

Do you like cram it into the back part of your mouth where the molars are, or do you puncture into and wedge/slice into the apple with your front cutting teeth to get a chunk, whereupon, you then positoin the piece onto your molars for further chewing?

You don't have to chase prey, or eat it while living to eat with your teeth as designed. They are designed to pierce, cut, tear, and chew, incisors, canines, and molars. Pretty cool.

And when a human eats a big piece of steak, especially if a little overdone and tough, yes, they puncture into the meat with thier front teeth, and tear off a piece if they have not cut it with a knife (what, we didn't always have steak knives and daggers???), and reposition it to the molars where...well you get it.
Well ... with your apple analogy, I noticed you didn't say "tear" or "rip" into it ... which is what I thought some people here are arguing the purpose of these teeth are for. I guess I can in turn ask you what do you do when you eat an orange? Do you tear at it with your teeth, or do you peel it, break off a piece and place it in your mouth for chewing? I'm not sure where you're going with the steak analogy - if you're saying we didn't always have knives and daggers to cut the pieces of meat ... well then how did you get this nice cut of steak then!??!?!