Here you go guys. You keep asking whay everyone left, all "the greats" etc., so rather than talk rumor I opend a thread for you to speak your mind. Please don't speak for someone else or make assumptions. Let Dean, Sean, Tracy, Art D, Mike and others speak for themselves if they wish to comment. If you have an issue then speak up or shut up.

Please allow a little leeway on this one so we can clear up all the crap in the rest of the threads. Thanks.

I'll go first. I haven't left. I haven't exhausted the material I have now so I'm not real interested is learning something else. I got tired of starting over every time I went to a new school so I made up my mind to stick with one until I exhausted the material.

I've had some issues in the past and still have some just like I did in all the schools where I've trained. Nothing I wish to go public about so don't ask. I'm loyal enough to stick it out through the tough times but renegade enough that I'll probably get kicked out before quitting.

yu shan,
You're outspoken enough to speak your mind as I believe a real MA should be so you can go next. BTW, I wasn't in the area when you were here last. Maybe next time.