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Thread: No shadow kick

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    omaha, NE

    the movie operation scorpio has lau doing a good display of it.

    I don't know fu too well but I think that might be a good representation of this.

    I think that it is also called the scorpion king and lau is REALLY good, so it is probably mostly movie stuff but his form looks as real and authentic as it gets.

    I seriously think that this will help clear up some of these questions, because the no shadow kick that he desribes is one that you can't see coming, sure it leaves no shadow because it is fast, but where the no shadow comes into play is balance, where you can't tell which leg he is going to kick with. Kind of a dumb movie but good action, funny, and a disciple of wong fei-hung himself. He ws not a direct pupil but I believe his masters master was wong, just guessing though.
    Last edited by jethro; 04-15-2006 at 04:37 PM.
    "For someone who's a Shaolin monk, your kung fu's really lousy!"
    "What, you're dead? You die easy!"
    "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."
    “I don’t usually smoke this brand, but I’ll do it for you.”
    "When all this is over, Tan Hai Chi, I will kick your head off and put it on my brother's grave!
    "I regard hardships as part of my training. I don't need to relax."

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    austin/houston, tx
    i heard it was a triple kick combo...but that was a long time ago

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    No shadow

    The article by Dr. Johnny Jang was Wong Fei Hung: Great Master of Hung Gar in our May June 2006 issue. It was submitted at around the same time as May June 2006 cover master Frank Yee's Revealing Hung Ga’s Shadowless Kick from our July August 2005 issue.

    I'm not sure if you're aware of this, hasayfu, but Dr. Jang is our da sihing. He began his martial journey at the San Francisco school long before I was even part of the Sunnyvale school...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #34
    Hi Gene, I actually did know that he was our sihing. (Not dai sihing/da shixiong). I've also seen him teaching at the Oakland BART station. Looks like you may be stalking him as I think he's with Sifu Tony Chen now. So he's your double sihing? LOL.

    I brought this thread up because the kicking techniques are an close map of the ones from a book published circa 1998 from Leung Daat (虎鶴門全功秘笈 - 梁達) Tiger/Crane system's complete secret training manual. The order's changed and there are some additional context but this is the only place I've seen the grouping and specifically this explanation of the mo ying gerk before this article. I wanted to see if anyone else's training included this.

    Leung Daat has some interesting stuff but he also has some stuff that, to me, is way out there. Sifu discounts this list but you know how he is.

    For me, Mo Ying can be translated as no shadow or no reflection. In other words, untrackable like a stealth aircraft. The key is not the technique (though without technique it's useless) but in the strategy of going undetected.

    DJ, I'm also not familiar with what LSW had to say since he never actually wrote anything. The older version of his books were compiled by Chu Yu Tsai and said to be taken from direct notes. I don't remember everything he wrote but I remember he mentions Yuet Ying Sao Gerk (moon shadow hand foot) a lot but not Mo Ying Gerk specifically. I don't have Leung Daat's versions (except for the training manual) but LD explicitly states YYSG is NOT MYG. What are you referring to?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    De do do do, de da da da
    Is all I want to say to you
    Dai, da, freaking Cantonese. I should just stick the the mandarin...
    And yes, I'm a double shidi under Dr. Jang, but he's the only one I know of. I'm a double shixiong over at least a half dozen people, and even a triple shixiong over one person I know of. What an incestuous bunch, eh?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #36
    In fut ga style mou ying geurk is a common kick. Physics-wise, unless you kick at the speed of light you're leg is always gonna leave a shadow ... but what the heck "no shadow kick" sounds pretty badarse right? Practicality-wise, I'm a beginner and can't kick for beans anyway, but IMO after a whole day of mou-ying-geurking (and being the one being kicked) it works. For the situation it was meant for, which is when you have an opponent to your side.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    Quote Originally Posted by cellophane
    Physics-wise, unless you kick at the speed of light you're leg is always gonna leave a shadow ...

    except at night.
    Master...Teach me kung fu.

  8. #38
    Except at night, what an excellent point. Since I have never trained in the dark I never thought of that...

    Anyways, I looked at the mo ying geurk in the magazine and it is very, very different from the one I learned, except for the part where the kicking leg is behind the lead leg. I admit a back kick in certain situations might be helpful.

  9. #39
    I think a better translation would be "no trace" instead of "no shadow". My memory is very hazy about this, but if I remember correctly about this kick is that, the shoulder doesn't move when you are kicking.

    Think about this, stand in front of a mirror to see this. Whenever you kick, your shoulder always move, if/once you train yourself to be able to kick with the power/authority/speed/accuracy without your shoulder moving. It will be very difficult for your opponents to block the kick, in another word, you are not telegraphing your kick at all.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York, Long Island

    No Shadow Kick Video

    Someone mentioned about Lau Ga-Leung's Mo Ying Geuk from some movies.

    Here is a video clip of LGL demonstrating the MYG.

    I was with Lau Ga-Leung last week and he demonstrated the CONCEPT at his student's school; Sifu Mark Houghton. Mark's daughter is in the video and LGL is teacher how to do the kick correctly.

    You'll also notice the apparatus used in the school is the same as in LGL's movie with the English title, "Dirty Ho" starring Lau Ga-Fei (Gordon Liu) and Wang-Yu. (Great movie by the way).

    As you'll see, it's not a specific kick, but HOW you throw your kicks. Looking straight at your opponent and being able to kick quickly and with no telegraphing body movements.

    Enjoy the clip. I filmed LGL doing a lot of stuff that day, he was amazing (and will be 70 in August mind you)

  11. #41
    Just watch any of the Wong Fei Hung movies by Jet Li. Those movies are full of the 'no-shadow' kick: for example the Once Upon a Time in China series.

  12. #42
    silly sosage strikes hahahaha lol

  13. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Sui
    silly sosage strikes hahahaha lol
    It was a joke but I guess with an IQ in the negative numbers I wouldn't get it either.

    What can one do? Nothing but watch and cry ;-(.


  14. #44
    silly sosage takes not one but 2 days to and talks of iq,his m'a is second to none so he thinks.lolhahahahalol.

  15. #45
    Lama Pai Sifu, somehow your websites wont load for us Europeans (either way not for me...). It has always been like that, and a trace stops it at which belongs to "hurricane electric". Maybe thats the hosting company who for some odd reason blocks certain ISP's?

    If it would be possible to have an alternative place for that video, or could email it to me, that would be really kind.

    edit: nvm, I found a public open proxy which allowed me to get the file. But you might want to be aware of the issue anyway as I was also unable to visit your travel to china page/site a few months ago ...
    Last edited by Asmo; 05-02-2006 at 02:53 AM.

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