I thought we had a thread devoted to this sort of thing, but I can't recall what it might be called. Maybe not. If I find something, I'll merge it.

But for now - check out Energy Whispering.

This Energy Whisperer's Tips Will Make You Feel Amazing—Crazy, We Know

PHOTO: Mango

It’s hard work feeling energised and positive all the time. Some days we just want to slump in front of Netflix and ignore our emails, which is fine on a Sunday, but when you’re at work with a to-do list as long as your arm, having a few energy-boosting tricks up your sleeve can come in handy.
Enter Matthew Cohen, an L.A.-based energy whisperer. Now, look, I know it sounds kooky, but Cohen has created a method called Sacred Energy Arts that combines qigong (an ancient Chinese practice of posture work, breathing techniques and meditation) with yoga and ancient martial arts to help clients harness their own energy to supercharge their daily lives.
According to Cohen, we each have our own “energy fingerprint,” and he wants us all to tap into it. What’s great about his method is that you can take elements of it and use it in your daily life, some are better suited to being alone (if you’re standing in your office gazing at the sky colleagues may ask questions), but others you can totally practice at your desk. Each is there to help re-energise, if you’re suffering from a 4 p.m. slump or you want something to help ease anxiety and tension that we can all face from time to time.
You may be skeptical, but Cohen has shared seven energy-enhancing hacks from his method, they’re totally free and quick to do, so next time you’e feeling a bit meh, we challenge you to give one a go. Keep scrolling to find out how to tap into your energy and feel like your best self in minutes.

“Clearing is a qigong exercise developed to release anxiety, fear and negativity,” explains Cohen. Here’s how to do it:
Bring your hands out to your side and up over your head until your palms are facing the earth and your fingers are close together.
Lower your hands slowly. Imagine as your hands move down that they have the ability to filter any toxins or stagnation down into the earth. The hands act like a screen on a French press. This practice is a powerful way to draw unwanted energy from your system.

“The no-fear mudra (or hand position) is a great practice to do when you wish to embrace and transmute fear,” Cohen tells us. Here’s how it’s done:
Sit or stand with your shoulders relaxed, your chest open and at ease.
Keep your elbows at your side, bent 90 degrees with your palms facing forward, fingers up to the sky, and wrists extended. Relax for as long as you need in this position.

“A clever brain hack, this gesture will recalibrate your energy and revitalise you in short order. This is an ancient, primal human stance symbolising power and victory,” explains Cohen.
Raise your arms over your head for 30 seconds to two minutes.

“When you feel fuzzy, you’re not thinking clearly, seeing sharply or breathing deeply. Stop and take a moment to align with you core intention,” suggests Cohen. “What is your life purpose? Take a moment to remember this, and choose to have your actions support this intention and purpose. When we are aligned with purpose, we gain energy and become more clear, refined and lucid,” he adds.

“Wuji is a potent and strong qigong posture that develops strength, power, awareness and alignments in the body—a deep connection to the earth and a relaxed free spirit,” says Cohen. Here’s how to do it:
Stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-distance apart. Knees bent. Tailbone dropped. Chest relaxed. Back full. Crown of the head lifted. Gaze soft, and breath calm long and deep.
Stand quietly for three to 10 minutes. Bring your attention back to the breath when you notice your mind wandering.

“Tactical breathing is a very efficient way to calm your nerves, move into a parasympathetic state (also known as rest and digest, as opposed to fight or flight) and become conscious of the present moment,” explains Cohen.
Inhale for 3 slow counts through the nose.
Hold for 3 slow counts.
Exhale for 3 slow counts through the mouth.
Hold for 3 slow counts.
Repeat 9 times.

“Twists are one of the fastest and easiest ways to detoxify and energise the body and clear the mind,” says Cohen.
Sit in your chair at work or home.
Breathe in through the nose for 3 to 6 counts, and exhale slowly and consciously; at the end of the exhale, twist slowly to one direction.
Your arms can be strong and supportive while your belly remains relaxed.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Hold for 30 seconds to a minute per side.

Matthew Cohen is visiting to Triyoga from L.A. in May to teach workshops and a 100-hour two-week qigong intensive course. For more information, visit the Triyoga website.