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Thread: Chance To Go To China

  1. #1
    Snake Guest

    Chance To Go To China

    My Sifu has some interesting and exciting news in class on Tuesday night. He and his school (which includes me of course!) have been invited to go to China next summer for nine days and visit a Shaolin Temple, the Wushu School, see a Wushu demo by the National Team, etc. The trip would include all meals, hotels, air fare, etc. for $1900. Seems like a great deal to me, and I would love to go, but my wife and I are planning a trip to Singapore (She is from there orginally) and i'm not sure I can swing both trips in a year. I'd love to go to China and work on kung fu, but I have to convince her of that. Since she has studyied Eagle Claw as well, I have some hope. Anyway, any thoughts on a trip like this one? Anyone been on a trip like this?


  2. #2
    Stranger Guest
    Good luck in convincing your wife.

    If you can only swing the Singapore trip, maybe you can do some research and find out if there are any unique kung fu training opportunities you can pursue there.

    If you can't find any kung fu, maybe you can see or learn something of the local silat, just as a cool martial art/cultural experience.

    I don't get mad.
    I get stabby.

  3. #3
    blaktiger Guest


    My ex-girlfriend is from Singapore, and while I was debating on visiting her, she told me that there is a temple on the island and numerous kung fu schools. If you want to look one up, email me and I'll have her do some research for you.

    "I'll be too busy lookin' good!"

  4. #4
    Snake Guest
    Yeah, I thought about seeing what I could find in Singapore in the Martial Arts area, but I have a feeling that if we go there we'll be mostly visiting her friends and family, which is fine. But if I go to China, I'll get a chance to work out for sure. Plus, it's China! :)

    Either trip should be fantastic, and I want to do both. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'll get a chance. Both will opportunities of a lifetime.


  5. #5
    Drunken Monkey Guest

    i have the solution

    I will go to China for you and you can go to Signapore.


    oh well, at least i tried

    but if you change your mind

  6. #6
    Snake Guest
    It is beginning to look like both trips are going to happen, I just need to convince my boss to give me a few extra days off! ;)

    Thanks for the offer Drunken Monkey. Awfully nice of you! :) By the way, where are you at in Wisconsin?


  7. #7
    fiercest tiger Guest

    go to china

    once in a life time to go, plus with the school.

    tell your wife this is a great opportunatey if she doesnt like it, slap her up and tell her snap out of it! grow some kegs man... :)

    come & visit us!

  8. #8
    CanadianBadAss Guest


    Next summer I might be going to Taiwan for a month or so and staying with a friend in Taipei. I won't really care if my boss doesn’t give me the time off, I'll just quit. It’s a chance of a life time. But then again, I'm only 15 and don’t have bills to worry about... And chances are my uncle would give me my job back at the honey factory any way...

    BTW, does any body here know of any kung fu schools worth checking out in Taipei?

    |) /- | | |
    | / |_| |__

  9. #9
    prana Guest
    this is not a serious post, but here goes

    If you can't squat properly to do a crap, dont go to China.



    oh if you like chewing, don't go to Singapore

    [This message was edited by prana on 10-14-01 at 09:44 PM.]

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