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Thread: Yoga

  1. #91
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    There was something about this visit on the Kungfu-Yoga

    Yoga-Tai chi joint demonstration in China to honour PM Narendra Modi
    Thursday, 14 May 2015 - 3:08pm IST | Place: Beijing | Agency: ANI

    The Yogi Yoga Centre was started in 2003 by Mohan Bhandari and this centre has produced an estimated 10,000 yoga teachers since 2007.

    A joint Yoga-Tai Chi demonstration will take place at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing on May 15 to honour Prime Minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit as head of government to China. Around 200 people from the 'Yogi Yoga' centre will perform yoga at the venue, alongside 200 people performing tai chi. The Yogi Yoga Centre was started in 2003 by Mohan Bhandari and this centre has produced an estimated 10,000 yoga teachers since 2007.

    "This is the biggest yoga centre in China. We started this centre in 2003. We have 7000 students for this centre and since 2007 we have produced 10,000 teachers. Yoga is very popular in China. When young people join a particular field, it starts to spread," Bhandari told ANI here.

    Speaking about the difference between Yoga and Tai Chi, Bhandari said that Yoga is more dynamic than Tai Chi. "Tai chi and Yoga are independent practices, Tai Chi is slower than Yoga, but Yoga is more dynamic," he added. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi began his visit of China with Xi'an. He is scheduled to travel to Beijing later in the day. In Xi'an, the Prime Minister visited the Terracotta Army museum, before travelling to the Daxingshan Temple.

    He also met President Xi Jinping, before holding restricted talks with the Chinese leader. Prime Minister Modi will conclude his tour of China by visiting Shanghai.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #92
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    China’s “Yoga Grandpa”

    You’re almost definitely not as genki as this 84-year-old man – meet China’s “Yoga Grandpa”
    evie lund
    13 hours ago

    If you recall, we delighted you all once before with a story about an incredibly genki granny from Japan who is capable of bending her aged limbs into a variety of contortionist poses. But we reckon this yoga grandpa from China has got her beaten!

    Check out this man’s incredible flexibility in this series of photos that will have your jaws hanging and your joints creaking in sympathy!

    The 84-year-old man lives in Zhangjiakou in China, where he is known to the locals as “Master” due to his eye-watering yoga skills. He’s lived in the same area his whole life, and around 30 years ago decided to take up yoga after a period of ill-health. Apparently, yoga did so much for his condition that he decided to make it his life’s passion, even going on to create several of his own “original poses”.

    ▼ Let’s call this one: ‘turtle on its back waiting for someone to flip it right-side up.’

    As well as yoga, he’s also interested in botany, entomology and ornithology (that’s plants, bugs and birds to the rest of us) and leads an active lifestyle. He attributes his ongoing vitality to a positive outlook on life, combined, of course, with lots of yoga!

    He also runs introductory yoga classes for the community, which he teaches for free. Perhaps he could come to the RocketNews24 office some time and give us some pointers, since the only poses we know are the “Lying Down After a Big Lunch” and the “Internet Writer Trying to Think of Another Synonym”. (They both involve a lot of groaning…)

    Source: Focus-Asia/Yahoo! Japan News via Toychan
    Images: Huanqiu via Toychan
    'original poses' often implies that the practitioner is skilled but hasn't studied the classics enough.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #93
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    Pashchima Namaskarasana

    Beauty test with yoga pose a hit with young women in China, may cause horrendous pain
    Master Blaster12 hours ago

    Unusual poses have been big among young Chinese women over social networks recently. Late last month there was the “touch your belly button with one hand wrapped behind your back” fad. Anyone who could achieve this feat was said to have “good style”. Around the same time there was also the “put as many coins into that little divot in your collar bone” trend.

    Now it appears a classic yoga pose is making the rounds. It’s called the Pashchima Namaskarasana or Reverse Prayer Pose. However, on China’s microblogging site Weibo, it’s done with the added challenge of raising your hands as high as they can go; the higher your hands can get the more beautiful you are purported to be.

    What, you thought “beauty” was a measure of how others judged your outward appearance and to a lesser extent your personality? No, silly, it’s all about how well you can bend your arms behind your back…

    The rules to this game are simple: by bending your arms behind your back you must make your palms touch. To assure that your palms are sufficiently together you must hold your smartphone pressed between them. Since you’ll likely be indisposed, you should ask someone else to take your photo. Then compare how high your arms are to this handy diagram.

    The steps are, from top to bottom: Beyond Goddess, Goddess, Girl Next Door, Female Diaosi, and the final level is hard to translate but refers to a woman well suited to building a new addition to your house or beating up bullies for you. “Diaosi” is an unclearly defined social class in China somewhere around the lower middle class. Website That’s equates it to the American term “redneck” in that it can be both a term of pride and ridicule.

    You might wonder how these classifications came to be. Well, they have been tirelessly peer-reviewed by thousands upon thousands of Chinese teens, and they have deemed the theory “proven, no backsies.”

    Our own writer Anji Tabata gave the Reverse Prayer Pose a try, but knowing she had flexible shoulders wasn’t worried about her results.

    © Pouch

    Sadly, since she had to use her smartphone to take the picture, she couldn’t clasp it between her palms. This renders her “Beyond Goddess” status invalid. Sorry, Anji, those are the breaks!

    I also gave it a go, but a sudden and intense pain shot through my chest, shoulders, and upper arms before I got them even halfway behind me. Going by the chart above, that must mean I’m super-ultra-masculine, which really comes as no surprise. When the feeling in my right arm returns I will raise it in triumph.

    This poor guy, however…

    Hope he has a tiara picked out for his Double Beyond Goddess coronation. He does bring up a few good points though. First, its kind of strange how, the more creepy you turn out in your photograph seems to be directly proportional to how gorgeous you are, according to this.

    Second, with the definitive measure of your beauty at stake, it might not be surprising for some to resort to Photoshop trickery to achieve Beyond Goddess certification. As such accusations of doctored photos have been rampant online. Most complain about the length of the poser’s arms, but with camera angles it’s pretty hard to say.

    It just goes to show you, no matter what obscure way we come up with to measure physical attractiveness, Photoshop is always there to screw with our perceptions.

    Original article by Anji Tabata
    Photos: Weibo 1, 2, 3, 4
    I used to get a lot of mileage out of this when I lead warm-ups for Kung Fu class. It used to be fairly easy for me, which is odd because my shoulders aren't very open. It was more that I practiced yoga on the side so I could do it.

    It's much harder to do when doing a forward bend. In fact, it's a good check to see how much you are actually bending at the waist versus just rounding your back.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #94
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    must. post. here.

    I luv Dilbert. It's one of my fav strips. I vacillate between identifying most with Alice, Wally or Catbert.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #95
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    More Dilbert

    The comedic thread continues...

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #96
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    The punchline

    pun intended

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #97
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    Rage Yoga

    'Rage Yoga' encourages posing while cursing, drinking, and listening to metal
    Alyssa Pereira | on April 6, 2016

    Like this, but screaming.

    There's a common saying cited by non-yogis as a reason not to practice and pose: "It's boring."

    That's an understandable sentiment — some people just don't find the same kind of stress release in yoga as they do in, say, kickboxing — but with a new take on the practice, called "Rage Yoga," there may be more folks flocking to the fitness activity than ever before.

    Created by a Calgary, Canada resident named Lindsay-Marie Istace after "the really painful breakup of a long term relationship," Rage Yoga is meant for those who are hoping to improve their posture and flexibility, but have never felt at ease in a modern yoga studio.

    Or for those who just have a little extra aggression they need to work out.

    "Want to better your strength, flexibility and become zen as f—? Enjoy the occasional f-bomb or innuendo?" the site reads. "You've come to the right place."

    Istace also encourages participants to feel free to swear and drink while posing, telling Vice that "as soon as people get into the sequences they tend to naturally drink slowly." Metal music is also often played too, with albums by the likes of Metallica and Black Sabbath spinning in the background.

    The whole thing may seem like blasphemy to those that consider yoga a highly spiritual process, but to Istace's fans, it's a respite and a quirky alternative to partaking in yoga as we know it today. It's also a welcomed option for some of those feeling uncomfortable by the generally quiet practice, or turned off by the yoga's less hardcore reputation.

    "When I started going to yoga classes, I felt like I didn't really fit in at a lot of those different studios," she told Vice last month. "[They have a] very deadpan, serious, overly serene approach to things. And that's just not how I roll."

    The practice is so far only offered live in Calgary, but Istace hopes to soon make it available to anyone with an internet connection. Coming off a very successful Kickstarter aimed at funding the creation and distribution of online classes, the dream of having an excuse to scream while exercising may not be that far off after all.
    "zen as f—?"
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #98
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    Yoga Brazil

    There's a vid on the site, but the first pic says it all...

    Yoga Meets Martial Arts for a Capoeira Workout That'll Get You Seriously Sweaty
    Just call it the "hot new yoga"
    Jaclyn Emerick | Apr 12, 2016

    Take the stretch-and-strengthen powers of yoga, then turn up its burn with the fluid, dance-like movements of the Brazilian martial art Capoeira, and you get Yoga Brazil, a body-sculpting, fat-melting workout created by the celebrity fitness pro Brett Hoebel. As you flow through the poses in a perma-crouch, your muscles are constantly contracted, leaving you tighter, lighter—and quivering—once the routine is over.

    It's a vinyasa sequence composed of six pairs of moves that fuse the best of both techniques. For the first pair, you'll start in a downward dog, then step into a low lunge (a Capoeira staple) and undulate from one side of the mat to the other. "This helps create your flow," Hoebel says. As each new combo is added, it's seamlessly tacked on to the previous pair—and then the circuit resets at downward dog all over again—until you've linked all six pairs together for one continuous, powerful flow. Then you'll repeat the process from the top, this time on the other side. "It's a true calorie-burning and booty-sculpting experience," he says.

    Take your time on each set of exercises and try notto skip ahead or do them all at once. They're placed in this progression to help you build heat, finesse your form, and lose yourself a little in the rhythm. That, and to shape a sleeker, stronger, fiercer physique. (Want more? Try this 20-Minute Workout to Help You Get Fit, Get Toned, and Get On with Your Day.)

    How it works: Start with pair 1. Then do pair 2. Next, do pair 1, then pair 2. Then do pair 3. After that, you'll combine them, doing pair 1, then 2, then 3. You'll repeat this process of introducing a new pair of moves and then combining all the pairs from the beginning until you've combined pairs 1 through 6.

    Total Time: up to 30 minutes

    You will need: Mat
    1. Down Dog Into Low Lunge

    A. Start on floor in plank on palms. Push hips up and back so that body forms an inverted V. Step left foot forward between hands, bending leg 90 degrees and lowering right knee toward floor.

    B. Lower torso toward left knee, and keeping left palm planted, bring right forearm in front of chin with elbow bent. Replant right palm and step left leg back to down dog. Complete reps, then switch sides and repeat.

    Sets: 1 Reps: 8

    2. Figure-Eight Block Into Side Sweep

    A. Stand with feet wide and toes turned out, elbows bent with hands near chin and palms facing each other. Bend left leg 90 degrees and lean torso over left thigh, swaying arms so that fingertips point toward left.

    B. Fluidly bend right knee, leaning torso over right thigh and arcing arms to right.

    C. Without pausing, switch sides again.

    D. Then straighten left leg and turn right toes out to face the back of mat as you bend right leg 90 degrees, planting right palm outside of foot, leaning torso over right thigh, and reaching left hand overhead toward the right. Complete reps then switch sides and repeat.

    Sets: 1 Reps: 4
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #99
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Continued from previous post

    Continued because you want all of this Brazil Yoga goodness. Extra points to anyone who posts pix of themselves doing this.

    3. Low Lunge Into Reverse Kicks

    A. Start in low lunge with left leg forward.

    B. Then plant right palm and shift hips up and back, sweeping left leg high (but keeping hips square). Shift forward into a plank, then push hips up and back, lifting left leg. Alternate plank and reverse kick on your left side 3 more times (flexing through left heel), then lower leg into down dog. Switch sides and repeat.

    Sets: 1 Reps: 1

    4. Reverse Kick Into Half Handstand

    A. Start in plank on palms. Push hips up and reverse kick with left leg.

    B. Bring left knee toward chest while bending right knee, look forward, and kick feet up, bending knees into a half handstand. Land in reverse kick with left leg up. Shift forward into plank. Complete reps then switch sides and repeat.

    Sets: 1 Reps: 4

    5. Low Lunge Into Push Kick

    A. Start in low lunge with left foot forward.

    B. Push into left foot to stand on left leg, kicking right foot forward (flexing heel), leaning torso back slightly with left elbow bent and left forearm in front of face, and pressing right palm down. Return to low lunge. Complete reps then switch sides and repeat.

    Sets: 1 Reps: 4

    6. Twisting Escape Into Half-Moon Block

    A. Start in down dog, then step left foot forward into low lunge. Plant right palm to the inside of left foot; rotate left shoulder 90 degrees toward ceiling to turn body to left with left knee bent, left foot flat, and right leg straight so that hip is lifted and outer edge of right foot is on floor with toes pointed straight ahead (bend left elbow so that palm is open and facing forward).

    B. Rotate left shoulder another 90 degrees to rotate chest toward ceiling, planting left palm below left shoulder, bending right leg and flattening foot, and kicking left leg toward ceiling with foot flexed. Turn over right shoulder to come into plank position. Complete reps then switch sides and repeat.

    Sets: 1 Reps: 4
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #100
    Greetings Gene,

    That Brazilian stuff looks silly.

    I had the opportunity to talk with a woman from India in a college yoga lass. She shared that what passes for Sun Salutation in the world is nothing compared to what she learned in her homeland. She told me that the sequence had over 20 moves and was very advanced.

    Last edited by mickey; 04-15-2016 at 10:34 AM.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
    That Brazilian stuff looks silly.
    I give them extra credit for long legged brunettes in tights though.

  12. #102
    Greetings -N-

    Those Brazilin yoga photos give me a bad case of the eeks, man. She looks so computer generated.


  13. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post
    Greetings -N-

    Those Brazilin yoga photos give me a bad case of the eeks, man. She looks so computer generated.

    VR hotties. Embrace the future

  14. #104
    No way, -N-,

    I will stick with the female track sprinters and the belly dancers!


  15. #105
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Must. Post. This.

    The Devil made me do it.

    Man Accidentally Performs Yoga Pose, Is Possessed By Horde of Demons
    April 18, 2016

    Grand Island, NE—Late Saturday, homeowner Dan Solomon made the mistake of accidentally inviting the armies of hell into his mortal body. Solomon’s wife Reeda reports that the possession took place just as Mr. Solomon finished fixing a leak under their kitchen sink. As he attempted to slide out from beneath the u-pipe, he inadvertently performed the “downward dog” Yoga pose. Immediately, a hoard of demons took up residence in the accountant and father of two.

    Satanic slave Mr. Solomon has spent the last two nights prancing around Pier Park, wearing only striped yoga pants and a matching headband, according to sources. Local police have received numerous complaints about the limber demoniac’s hours-long headstands performed at all hours of the night while screaming, “Darkness! Darkness!” Additionally, several small pets have been reported missing in the area.

    Still distraught over her husband becoming a flesh-puppet for the evil forces of the netherworld, Mrs. Solomon, flanked by a drooling Mr. Solomon at a Monday press conference, warned, “I just want people to become more aware. Even though the modern, westernized practice of ‘Yoga as exercise’ would be unidentifiable to any religious Hindu, and despite the fact that its origins were only attributed to Eastern spiritual practices for marketing purposes, there is still real danger in performing any Yoga position, be it for exercise or home improvement.”

    “We do the bidding of our master!” Mr. Solomon interrupted, rolling out a yoga mat and putting his foot behind his head.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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