as have I heard in religon class I attended when I was younger, but hear spoken seldom in the catholic (please excuse the spelling) god is every where in everything and everyone. I think they ment to say it differently but the prist jumbled the words. what he was trying to understand but could not was that I AM EVERYWHERE BUT NO WHERE EVERYONE BUT NO ONE. This the the mind no mind idea of somme religon I don't care which one it is but a lot of them say things like this in buddaism, taoism, zen.... It means that the nature of all things is emptyness. I know this and feel this and it has changed me and my thoughts we are not our body we are not our mind we are the thinker that thought the thought the silence between thoughts. our nature is emptyness the good and bad, right and wrong, yes and no, full and empty, finaly yin and yang. that is what the symble is empty and full and in each there is a little of the other, black fish with a white eye or vice verca

you must unlearn what you have learned then and only then will you be wise and have knolage