I saw you all discussing about what are "sins" in Buddhism. The true study of Buddhism is not a religion at all, it cannot have "sins".

True Buddhism is the reality that life just "is". Buddhism has no sins, it has no label, and is most certainly not a religion.

Buddhism defines the state that we are, to just "be". The moment you classify Busshism, or even if someone were to call themselves a Buddhist, then the entire purpose and what Buddhism means goes out the window.

A brilliant book to read is "Sermon on the Mount" by Emmet Fox. He goes in depth about how Chrisitanity and Buddhism in their true states cannot be defined, as they are formless, and so most certaionly cannot be contained in any definition of what they are.

Untouched, raw human emotion has no desire to hurt or kill. The only reason these things are required is because of "fear", out instinct to survive. Buddhism is about losing "unnatural" desires, to find our core emotion, which when unaffected sees no cause for fear, therefore no cause for violence.

Yet at the same time, Buddhism absolutely accepts things we consider as "bad". Why? Because life just is.

I believe kungfu is hindered so much in our day and age because we are always trying to "define" things, to give it "meaning" or "purpose". We fear not having things to hold on to. Take a look at what man has done to religion over time, he was so afraid of not having anything, that suddenly religions were over-run with rules, regulations, definitions. And to what effect? We as true being cannot live by rules, and because of this self-inflicted prison we have put ourselves in, we have become restless, violent, trapped.

And the vicous cycle continues, because the more trapped we feel, the bigger the prison we make for ourselves. Once we realise and accept our own responsibility, the ket ot the prison door, then and only then can we be free.

Kungfu was a tool to express freedom, form from formlessness, formlessness from form.