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Thread: Top Qulity Deng Feng Schools

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South Africa

    Question Top Quality Deng Feng Schools

    Hello People

    I was wondering since in Deng Feng there are so many schools all teaching the same thing in the same way, there must be a lot of competition as to which ones are the best. And by 'best' I mean most succesful in competitions (forms and sanshou), quality and not by the size of the school.

    I know Shi De Yang and Shi De Cheng are highly regarded for their traditional forms knowledge and both have their schools in Deng Feng. How are their school rated and how do they compare to the rest. Some private schools must also be considerd 'up there'. Tagou is massive but what's the quality like? And what about Master Liang Yi Quan's school? I heard he's the most senior shaolin master in Deng Feng.

    I know a lot of it comes down to how much the school likes you and whatever arraingements you can make with them. I'll be down there for the festival later this year, if SARS clears up, I I'd like to have a small list of 3 to 4 schools to check out.

    Gene, your info would be particularly helpful due to your many travels and connections in Deng Feng (as shown in your lastest article regarding your trip to the Shaolin Symposium). My direction would be towards sanshou and traditional forms as I already study contemporary wushu.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by WushuSpear; 06-04-2003 at 04:42 AM.
    How swift thy sword!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Not only did I go to the symposium...

    ...I also went to the Dengfeng grade A tournament. There are 80 schools registered in Dengfeng - the top 25 are grade A, the rest are grade B. They compete in traditional forms and sanda. The top three schools are always Taguo, Liang Yiquan and Chen Tongshan.

    I'm not sure where Deyang's school is placed actually. And Decheng's school, my shifu, is actually grade B - in fact, his is a really small school - but some people prefer the intimacy of small schools. I think Deyang and Decheng are well known in the west because they are both martial monks who have had a lot of foreign students.

    FWIW, Taguo and Liang's schools are the two that are authorized by the Ministry of Education to teach foreigners. This means that you could actually get a student visa for a prolonged stay, like a year or more, if you were going to study at one of those two schools.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South Africa


    Thanks Gene

    I guess I've got my list of three schools to check out. Since you went to shaolin for the symposuim, does this mean you'll miss the festival later this year? I can't wait to go over and see how the temple looks after the 'renovations'. As for my length of stay, I'll be there just for the competition then move up to Beijing to train with the team or BUPE until world champs later in November. Only next year spring will I go the studying at Deng Feng and this should be for 3-4 months.

    Thanks again
    How swift thy sword!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    at the moment, dengfeng

    Having said all that, the "best" school depends on you and what you want from your time in Shaolin.

    Bear in mind that this *is* Shaolin, no one's kung fu is going to be bad, and most foreigners coming to schools here will find that they've a lot to learn whereever they end up.

    A lot of the smaller schools take foreign students and a blind eye is turned. This often means you end up paying an awful lot less. Personally I spent some time at Chen's school (I *think* - Gene, this is the Xiao Long Wu Yuan, right?) and I'm happier now I've moved.

    Accomodation is better here, and at around only 40 students the school life has a family like quality to it. It's certainly not the best school in DengFeng, and we'll win no competitions, but at my level it makes little difference.

    Good luck!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South Africa

    Cool Interesting

    Interesting point you raise John. I gues that family atmosphere would be preferable since it looks like I'll be there alone again, which I promised myself I wouldn't to again.

    My main aim is to learn as much as possible and grow and develope both my traditional forms and sanda. My reasoning therefre is to train with the best and learn from getting my ass kicked. Hopefully from the 3 mentioned, I'll be able to find an environment that I can live in basic comfort and learn a lot.

    By the way where are you training now?

    How swift thy sword!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Hey John!

    Good to hear you chime in on this one! Straight from the source, eh?

    Chen's school actually has a few names - I think the formal one is Shaolinsi Shixiaolong Wushuguan. Just say Chen Tongshan or Shi Xiaolong and people will know what you're talking about.

    I totally agree with what you say - find the school that you feel the most comfortable in. There are 80 schools registered in Dengfeng and who knows how many aren't registered, plus there are private individuals that teach. So you really have your pick. The best thing to do is research as much as possible, talk to people who have been there.

    For me, well, I have a master at Shaolin, Shi Decheng, so I study with him if he's around. If you're looking for the best, you'd really have to qualify what you mean by best. For example, I'd say offhand that Tagou has the best Sanda since they win the most. They are also strong in qixing, liuhe and changhuximen. But they are huge, absolutely the biggest, so you might lose the intimacy. Chen Tognshan is known for his black tiger. Liang Yiquan is known for his Dahong and long fist. So you can get really picky if you want. But seriously, if you don't know some basics like wubu, xiaohong or tongbei, does it really matter which school is the best at what? They'll all get you there.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Mail me

    -Whether I can introduce you to my Shaolin monk friend or help you out in deng feng send me a mail when your heading down there...
    If i can help you out...

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