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Thread: Shi Yon Jun

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Shi Yon Jun

    One of the most talented monk I ever Seen Starts Up a new school In ZhengZhou (henan).

    Shi Yon Jun, started to Train shaolin gongfu in his childhood under Shi Xian Qian while at Songshan Shaolin Shi.
    In95, he received the first place at a shaolin gong fu competiton.
    Aug95, was invited in HongKong to demonstrate his skill on tv.
    96, was invited in japan ,for the same reason, in a gongfu congress.
    May96, scored second place (-48kg) in a competition of Sanda (chinese Kick boxing) held in ZhengZhou capital of Henan.
    June96, Displayed his skill on National tv, while attending military service. In same year his picture was on the first page of a Russian magazine.
    While at the "International Shaolin Martial Arts Separated" he took the first place for his Stick form.
    97-98 was invited to teach chinese kick boxing at the army.
    99-00, was invited in Fujian (southern shaolin temple) to teach buddhist meditation, martial arts, and other aspects of his art.
    Chinese new year2000, was in a tv-documentary on fujian monestery broadcast on Fujian Dongnan TV.
    Year 2000, he join the Nothern shaolin Academy to teach foreigners and pass on to the world traditionnal shaolin gongfu.
    Chinese new year2002, he was the english translater of the "first english competition" held in DengFengCity, shaolin shi.

    In the two years that he spent teaching foreigners he learnt quickly english (which he used today with ease), he also of good basis on korean and japanese as well as a little french.

    During the years that I spent in China I had the occasion to meet up with loads of shaolin master, and so far he has been the most impressive.
    He his highly respected by other monks and I wish for anyone who would like to learn shaolin gongfu, buddhism or sanda to seek him out!

    If you have any question please email me to this address.

    nb: a web site his in preparation.
    nb2: for the Sars... Henan his sars free for more than a month now... , well even if people stare at me if I sneeze or anything.
    nb3:for the fees. Starting at 3500 rmb (less than 400us) a month for short term student food and boarding include. don t think u cant get a best deal...

    well.. be blessed
    E Mi Do Fu

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    yon, yong or yan?

    What is his generation? Is Xian Xing or a non-generation name? Not that it matter too much, I'm just curious. got website?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Exclamation typo

    Sorry, and thank you for mentionning the typo.
    Shi Yan Jun- and not Shi Yon Jun
    34rth generation
    For the website... well, workin' on it.
    but it s not that easy from here in henan - specially when they shut down the internet-Kfs.

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