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Thread: Which mucles does this exercise use?

  1. #1

    Which mucles does this exercise use?

    This exercise is a bit weird, it's taught in capoeira. You go into a bridge and then do pressups. So basically it is inverted pressups. What muscle groups does this train? Think it is safe?
    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    I canīt say what it works since I donīt know the exercise but I do not think you should do it if you have had lower back problems.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL
    It could be helpful for those same lower back problems. But you should definitely be able to hold the bridge for a time on it's own before attempting the press-ups.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    land o' sam
    i did these last night when finishing my wheels in yoga. i felt them most in the back -- which you should if you do bridges right, as well as pretty much all three spots on the deltoid -- anterior, medial, posterior. it didn't hit my tris that much, but it did get them.

    fa-jing is definitely right -- get comfy with a bridge for a while before you even thing about bridge pressups.
    " i wonder how many people take their post bone marrow transplant antibiotics with amberbock" -- GDA

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies? it's weird that i've not seen it on any exercise websites before, that's what made me think it might be dangerous. I think it is an effective exercise, it does hurt...

  6. #6
    You will work your spinal errectors much like in a bridge but less intense. You will also work you shoulers (deltoids) and triceps. It's a great stretch for the front of your body too.

    Common exercise, btw. Called a reverse push-up and the top of the movement is called a gymnast's bridge. They do them in gymnastics a lot.

    The only dangerous thing about them is the intense stretch it can be for some people.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    land o' sam
    aye. it's a good exercise, as long as you have no back problems and are already warm/loose.

    ford's right -- the stretch can be a bit much, but if you can do them, it's great for opening up the front of your body.
    " i wonder how many people take their post bone marrow transplant antibiotics with amberbock" -- GDA

  8. #8
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    I imagine that it would be felt along the side and front (some at least) if the ribs. Perhaps the latisumus~ the abdomen and quadraceps and that one from the bely to around the knee area. Also the deltoid area. The part of the arm where the flab hans and the forearm along the outside to the pinky--along the bottom outside of the arms and inner thighs --inner rear legs. It seems theoretically, to me.
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