"Bushido's just a recent invention. It's as much romanced as western chivalry is. There is no honor in the battlefield, where honor can equal death"

There's a lot of misconception on what "bushido" and "chivalry" historically were here on this board.....

Bushido was not a recent invention. The word "bushido" is more modern, but the behavior "ethics" of the warrior class/retainers in old Japan were a very historical aspect of the culture dating back way before the 15th century.

During WW2, the Japanese "ressurrected" a twisted set of ideals and referred to it as bushido to really drive home a sense of national pride. But those ideas were not "bushido" as defined in some of the old texts, etc.

"chivalric" codes of olden eras were NOT designed to make you fight fair in war and therefor lose......how silly.

They were, and I repeat, behavioral "ethics" that the top soldiers were supposed to consider and practice so that the lords they served were not defamed from the actions of their soldiers.

Bushido and Chivalry were NOT about bowing to your enemy in war, and dueling in a fair fight.
The ideas were mostly about how to conduct oneself in regards to your king/lord, ladies of the court, the public, and how one dealt with such things as slander, backbiting, etc.

Many did NOT follow such ideals....
but those ideals were as real during the time as war was. It just wasn't the type of thing people think of now a days.

These people were professional soldiers....why on earth would a soldiers "behavior ethic" constitute a philosophy that would hurt their chances of winning a war???

The information is all there. Go look for it.
