Not everyone is going to see me eye to eye about this, or think it's even a correct choice of action. But that's okay.

Last night, during a lesson, the "fantasy prone" student of mine brought over a friend that I've met a couple times. The friend is a very good wrestler, and won some state championships. He's about 6'3 and 200 pounds.
He was somewhat interested in taking lessons, but apparently he was very sure he could take me on the ground, etc.

I haven't had a challenge match in a while, so I gave him a gi and we went at it. He had GREAT base, and had obviously been wrestling for a long time. I put him in guard and we went at it full contact.

I tapped him 3 times. Twice from two different lapel chokes, and once from a cross armlock from guard.

After that, he lightened up and we went through some stickfighting the rest of the night.

My only qualm is this. (And I'm sure some people will see it differently or scratch their heads at me... )

I have been accepting "challenge matches" for a long time, and a lot of them have been very "ego" oriented. My ego.
I, for some reason, have had this drive to prove my skills to people who don't "believe" I can be a threat. Anytime a skilled person wanted to fight me, I'd accept and prepare for it. And in about maybe 8 or so challenge matches, I've never lost.
And it was always the same thing. Inside myself I'd feel that if I won I'd feel "content with my skills, and glad at the victory."
But when I did win, I never did feel that way.

Even last night, I was preparing for this guy but afterwards I felt a bit discontent with myself..... and it had nothing to do with my skills.

I know that deep inside myself I'm still working out some ego issues, and I should NOT work those out by accepting challenge matches from people I don't know well or don't trust.
Yeah it gave me lots of experience, but there is never an "end" to that type of thing.

Plus, if I do this often, I run the risk of getting hurt or hurting someone else.....and legally being in a lot of hot water.

My father is an old man. I told him about it, and he told me something that kind of clicked.
He said "I wish you'd stop fighting, and start teaching."

So, you know what? That's what I'm going to do. Last night will be the last "challenge match" I accept from someone I don't know too well or don't trust.
From now on I will go full out with only people I know I can trust. Otherwise it's an accident waiting to happen.

I've again figured something out about myself. By nature, I'm not an NHB competitor Even though I do train the way they do.
But within my own personality, I would HATE to constantly prepare everyday for a fight. Then fight, (win or lose) and go back to prepare again.
The people who like it can do it, that's fine. But I do have to admit that I'm not into MA for those reasons.
(I may get called a heathen? LOL )

I DO believe MA has the ability to include a lot of spiritual, and ego-busting lessons in life.
Some of that "ego busting" DOES come from such things as challenge matches, etc. But for myself it was simply building it up.
So no more. I don't like doing it. Not if it doesn't do anything but "force" someone to "respect" what I do.
I shouldn't care that much. If they don't want to respect it, they don't have to.
If I spend my life fighting EVERYONE who thinks they can take me.....I'll spend my life fighting. I don't want to do that. I want to experience other things in the martial arts.

this post definitely is not saying that I don't want to train full out, or spar full contact.
That I will still do.

But I will do it with the type of attitude in mind that I should have.
To train and better myself and my skills with people of different levels.
NOT to fight for the sake of "authority" or "respect."

This post has been kind of a personal look into some of my stuff...
Some may not agree, and that's fine. NEITHER am I saying that others who do challenge matches are doing so for "ego's" sake.

I'm only saying that I was. And I'm no longer going to do so.

Feels like a load off as well.... I can worry just about training.

Well take care,
Hope this post doesn't make me too unpopular? LOL
