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Thread: Which Kung Fu style is the most well-rounded and fit for street combat?

  1. #46
    Braden Guest
    Ahahah AHAH AHah AHAh ah a

    First those monkey pictures then someone referring seriously to "Greenoch." Wish I'd found this thread earlier!

    (P.S. everyone knows the answer is bagua) :)

  2. #47
    Braden Guest
    "Unlike traditional fighting styles, SanSoo focuses only working up close with the opponent."

    "JKD is the answer for all of your street fighting needs it has no forms, it is fighting stripped to the basics. there are no nonsense stances or ornate movements it is just pure unadaltered combat. Not to mention it was devolped for modern, down and dirty fighting."


    this thread is rich

  3. #48
    tnwingtsun Guest

    Watchman and others

    Yea,I love it when all of the non WT/WC/VT people
    talk about the non-ground-fighting aspect of what I myself have trained in.

    Some of these other-style-armchair-experts that MAYBE have taken a class or two,read a book or they might have watched a video.

    Whats also funny is when they tap-out a student level WT or WC/VT guy they have the art figured out.

    Rolling Elebow,your art is very good on the ground,but I have seen enough black belts in the "Hatsumi" style beaten on THE GROUND by WT guys to know that if we sux,you guys really sux on the ground.

  4. #49
    fiercest tiger Guest
    i disagree, traditional kung fu works! i do agree that maybe some teachers dont teach students properly or havent been in a real life encounter to teach the students how to use their art!

    see pad work, ground skills, knife, trapping, etc have come from traditional systems. the problem is that half the schools out there teach for 1 and 1/2 hrs, 30 minutes warm ups, 30 stances, punching the air (crap) then forms. see teachers such as myself teach 3-4 hrs a night and work on all aspects of the art. fighting is only 1 part of an art, health with chi kung and healing with energy and medicine is another.

    jkd is a good street art but lacks in every other aspect of a REAL MARTIAL ART!! you may say well thats ok, all i want to do is beat someone up, thats fine, but thats no mastering anything. if you want to fight, put a punching bag in your garage get some mats, get some friends over and play around. get some skills and go out clubbing and pick a fight! i guarentee you will get beaten at one time... and may never be the same again! fighting is stupid, anyone can fight not everyone can be an artist!

    just my thoughts :rolleyes:

    come & visit us!

    [This message was edited by fiercest tiger on 07-02-01 at 05:30 PM.]

  5. #50
    lotusleaf Guest

    which style?

    I think that a lot of the martial arts out there are fit for the street. It just depends on you being able to narrow down the most practical techniques such as elbows, knees, low/mid kicks, punches, locks/chokes. In a street fight situation, you would have to be a very good all around fighter meaning that you can fight on your back as well as on your feet.

  6. #51
    Lost_Disciple Guest
    fiercest tiger said:
    "punching the air (crap)"

    Sorry but I gotta disagree with this. Boxers punch in the air when they're first learning technique and when they shadowbox. I guess their punching is cr@p too?

    I think the main problem is that kung fu classes don't punch in the air enough, and not with enough attention to detail. Basics are what form the foundation of your kung fu. They are what you first use and will later fall back on when fighting. I think a lot of schools have a "let's cr@p through this so we can get to the more exciting stuff" approach about basics. Maybe basics aren't important in the style you study; but in my experience, those that didn't "punch the air enough" don't get comfortable with their techniques and don't really become good fighters. Most advanced techniques are built on the basics. Would a boxer be able to execute a flurry if he/she had not spent hours making sure they had proper technique on all their core punches? Doubt it.

    Just my 2 cents, packing up my soapbox now.

  7. #52
    Son_Goku Guest

    I found...

    I found Praying Mantis or even White Crane works quite well.

    Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
    Fear is my ally

  8. #53
    LeiWulong Guest

    Urban Fist

    Urban Fist is the ultimate streetfighting style that I and my student (Urbanfist, who is about to become a member) have taken extensive time to develop. To learn more, visit our website, which will be completed and posted under this forum at a later date.

  9. #54
    Super-Fist Guest
    What a waste...

  10. #55
    baldmantiz Guest
    i have to agree with lost_disciple about the "air" punches tiger. for one it builds a great deal of endurance after doing thousands of them. also, doing a punch thousands of times will help you to be able to do it the one time you need to in a fight.
    it is true though that sometimes students aren't doing the punch correctly, over and over again. sometimes i will pair students up with muai thai pads (which are hard pads) and have them punch those after the workout from an actual fighting stance. this helps students figure out that there is something wrong with their punch since if they do not do, say an uppercut right, then they can go back and fix their punches and do them right when doing the "air" punches.

    To know others is to have knowledge. To know oneself is to be enlightened.

  11. #56
    Nexus Guest


    The best MA for the streets is "Gun-Fu!"

    All the training consists of practicing the pull and release of a single index finger!

    It's so effective that with that single finger, you can take out countless people standing all around you.

    - Nexus

  12. #57
    dwid Guest
    Is that anything like dim mak?

    The way of the samurai is in desperateness. Ten men or more cannot kill such a man. Common sense will not accomplish great things. Simply become insane and desperate. - Hagakure

  13. #58
    ajs Guest
    If you ask 100 martail arts practitioners which art is the best you will get 100 different answers.
    The fact is all the arts are effective when practised on a daily basis.

  14. #59
    Son_Goku Guest

    100 answers?

    I suppose that is true...
    Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
    Fear is my ally...

  15. #60
    Son_Goku Guest

    100 answers, 100 weapons....

    I suppose that it is the same, say, if you ask 100 martial artists what weapon is better. you'd get 100 different answers...

    Fear.....Fear attracts the fearful.....The strong....the weak....the innocent....
    Fear is my ally...

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