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Thread: critique, comment, tip my workout method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    critique, comment, tip my workout method

    ive recently started goin to the gym, but before i would do pushups and crunches and just do those exercises for a while to sort of get myself into workin the gym, i have a routine that i try to change due to muscle injury, tightness, fatigue or just plain boredom....tell me what u think of this schedule and please leave some feedback...thanx:

    (Mon, Thurs)


    10 minute Running(treadmill mostly, sometimes outside)
    10 minute Exercycle
    Hamstring Pullbacks
    Quad Extensions
    Hip Abduction
    Medicine Ball Crunches
    Leg Lifts
    Twisting Crunches

    (stretching all my leg muscles before the workout is also a routine)

    (Tuesday, Friday)


    Running for 5 minutes
    Pushups on Exercise Ball
    Flyes on exercise ball
    Dumbbell Press on exercise ball
    Seated Flye Machine
    Bentover Tricep Kickbacks

    (Weds, Sat)


    Palm down curls(4arms)
    Palm up curls(4arms)
    Twisting w/ dumbbell(4 arms)
    Rowing Machine
    Preacher Curl
    Reverse Situp
    Lat Pulldown
    Medicine Ball Crunches
    Leg Lifts
    Twisting Crunches

    thats a basic description of my workout, somtimes i do different things depending on how i home i also use the heavybag and shadow box as well as jump rope.....i am not aiming to get big, but more lean, strong, and cut like Bruce Lee....cuz my stature is more lean than big, like 5'6" and weigh about 125-130.....lemme know some good workouts to get me to my goal please? thanx fer the help...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Texas, DFW
    Overall, looks like a few too many excersices to me. However, you may really like spending time in the gym so I am not going to be absolute about it.

    One huge thing you left out for proper analysis by poeple. How many sets are you performing per excersice? How heavy is the weight, your rep scheme? Do you go to failure every set?

    Ok to the good stuff. Just initially:

    1. It looks like you are using too many isolation movements. Not all, just seems like it.

    2. On your back/arm day: You are pre-exhausting your bicecpts with two rounds of curls before you even get to the big back excersice, pullups. I would do pullups before any isolated arm movements. After doing pullups, why would you do lat pulldowns later, after the rows? Pullups should have worked this same muscle group already.

    3. On arm day, you are doing six-seven different excersices that hit your bicepts. If you do even 2 sets of those excersices, you just did 14 sets using your bicepts, not to mention you pre-isolated them before the compound movement, where they are the weak link.

    My suggestion is a program that uses more compound movements using more muscle groups, and cut the excersices in half at least. This will build much more core stength, and take less than half the time. For fuctional strength, do functional movements. When is the last time you picked up an object using the technique used to perform a preacher curl? Just some thoughts.

    Stick with it, this is way better than sitting around. Even if you stay with this, make sure you don't overtrain with this routine. You are going to have to keep the weights light and sets few to make this one work for more than a few months.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL
    As CD Lee said, you need to base your routine around the big compound movements. Furthermore you should choose the movements that allow you to lift the most weight at a given time. For this reason doing work on the exercise ball is better saved for the end of a workout. And do not start the workout with isolation movements.

    You need to warmup properly, then hit your big exercise for the day.

    Workout 1: Flat Bench press or Military press

    Workout 2: Squat or Deadlift

    Workout 3: Pullups or heavy Bent-over rows with good form

    Then put all the other stuff (well the stuff that you decide to keep) afterwards.

    My advice is not to train to failure - instead stop a couple reps short of failure, wait a few minutes, then do another set. You don't have to go to failure at any point to make gains - in fact it will interfere with your ability to recover. Good Luck! BTW there are alot of lifting sports that include your weight class.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    ky, usa
    CDLee and Fa-jing are both right. Drop all the isolation stuff and just work compound lifts.

    Military press, bench press, bent rows and pullups for the upper body.
    Squats, deadlifts, and straight leg deadlifts for the lower body.

    Later on if you feel you need exercises for the smaller muscles, add a couple at the end of your workouts.
    Big egos are fragile.

    Where the violent see only violence, the skillfull can see skill.

    "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that existed when it was created." Albert Einstein

  5. #5
    A common newbie mistake is to want to do every exercise under the sun. Quality means more than quantity, though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    yo thanx for all the help wit everything....i also think im doing too much exercises....i want a schedule that works everything in a short time...but i might start body weight training instead of power training....but ill make a new schedule and ill post it, and u guys could lemme kno whats up wit that too ite? thanx everyone....this site is great...

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