Originally posted by apoweyn
And while I'm reflecting on last night's session:

The previous week (the videos from which you've seen), I came out of practice high as a kite. I'd learned some things that changed the whole game for me. I'd felt in control of the exchanges. I wasn't winded. It was great. Breakthrough, I thought.

Last night was the counterswing to that. I felt clumsy, uncoordinated, and forced. Daws and Mike freaking peppered me with hits. (I can't tell you how impressed I was with them last night.)

But I think that's the logical consequence of a 'breakthrough.' Last week, this guy (Rafael) worked on our parry/riposte and our counter 6 parry. (The opposite of a parry 4. An in-to-out parry that sends the opponent's sword out over your lead shoulder.) And another guy (Robert) gave us some great tips too.

Last night, I was trying to use some of the things they taught us. And, in my defense, they worked really well. But I guess I haven't gotten comfy enough with them that they flowed yet. So I felt 'off my game.'

Mike and Daws managed to use them more effectively in their overall game plan. I wish we'd gotten better video of it. There were some nice exchanges.

Anyway, I suppose the point I'm trying to make is mostly to myself. That a breakthrough is indeed often followed with a dip, as I try to incorporate something new into my framework.

Again, sh*tty explanation. Not having much luck with this whole "word thing" today.

Stuart B.
I experienced the same thing - a massive realisation one week, followed by a very lacklustre performance the next week. I suspect it was because I was too busy trying to capitalise on the previous realisation and trying too hard. You will be fine for next week

Good to hear you are doing well and enjoying it though.