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Thread: the role of fear in MA

  1. #1
    joehyer Guest

    the role of fear in MA

    I,d like to hear about anyones opinions or beliefs, about the role fear takes in a M artists life.


  2. #2
    Karol Guest
    For a good Martial artist, fear shouldn't be in one's life. Just good understanding and sense.

  3. #3
    joehyer Guest
    I don,t agree. fear is the normal human reaction to a threatening situation, a nesasary self presevation tool in mans condition. It must be accepted and lived with,controled. then the added strenght comes from adrenaline. in fight or flight ,a human who doesn,t feel fear is not a complete being.


  4. #4
    nospam Guest
    The role of Fear in a martial artists Life?

    Fear becomes an identifiable challenge.

  5. #5
    joehyer Guest
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nospam:
    The role of Fear in a martial artists Life?

    Fear becomes an identifiable challenge.



  6. #6
    totallyfrozen Guest
    I think that this is a good question.

    "There is only ONE martial art"

  7. #7
    jimmy23 Guest
    Personally,I feel fear is my friend.It sharpens my senses,prepares my body,and gets me in a good frame of mind.Nature gave us fear for a reason.
    After a few years of bouncing,I noticed that my fear changed to more of a heightened physical state.The physical feelings were the same,but I interpeted them as something other than being scared.In other words,its ok to be afraid.Just my opinion,though.

  8. #8
    overdemon Guest
    I feel fear when I fight
    I feel sharper,
    but the cons are that I loses strength
    how can I avoid this?

  9. #9
    8stepsifu Guest
    Dogs and bees can smell fear.

  10. #10
    joehyer Guest
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by 8stepsifu:
    Dogs and bees can smell fear.[/QUOTE

  11. #11
    joehyer Guest
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by joehyer:
    Originally posted by 8stepsifu:
    Dogs and bees can smell fear.[/QUOTE
    sorry,clicked the wrong button. I don,t understand. Your point is?


  12. #12
    nospam Guest
    There is a difference between being anxious and actually experiencing Fear.

    In one of the other sections, there was a post about sports fighting and someone mentioned they felt sparring was a good way to work through their fear. I generally disagree with that, because in a sporting melee, I think most people become anxious as opposed to feeling genuine Fear. Anxiety troubles us mentally and can have varying effects, such as butterflies in the stomach, but for most of us, we do not become gripped by Fear.

    I see this type of anxiety as a mild first stage effect of our flight or fight reaction. If we are not overly committed in the beginning or assaulted in such a manner where escape is not possible, this uneasy or not-so-good feeling allows us an opportunity to high-tail it outta Dodge and live to become anxious another day. Fear of becoming hurt or worse might be the larger cause or trigger for feelings of anxiety, but becoming anxious remains our first defense, prior to actually running or fighting.

    In this case, I agree repeatedly sparring can be good practise for diminishing our butterflies, or at least realising that it is nothing to fret about and is quite natural as far as our base Flight or Fight mechanisms. Here, we still have faculty of our wits and although jaded, we remain cognizant.

    Fear is masked in many guises. For MAists, including myself, the greatest Fear we will ever face in this regard is most likely overcoming our avoidance for doling out disabling to life threatening strikes. Arising out of Fear, we might over-react and gouge an eye or snap a knee. Of real-life situations, I firmly believe that the choice we make is on a subconscious level, and is driven or pushed over the edge by Fear of personal injury or worse.

    Can we practise to not make what might be labelled as hasty, during the heat of the moment, decisions? Can we identify this challenge and regain our ability to think? I think it is both yes and no. As we react, we react. Often we wish we could take it back and react differently, but for whatever reason, it has been done and now there are simply consequences to our reaction. This 'reactionist' effect can be compared to the many aspects of our Lives, not just in fighting scenarios.

    Reaction, like reacting out of or during the course of Fear, is subconscious. It is without premeditation. How do we practise to control Fear if we are inable to rationally think during its effect? How? By going to its Cause.

    If we accept, that for a MAist, Fear over takes us concurrently at the point of our reaction, then what we first have to do is condition ourselves for recurrent reactions. In otherwords, how we train is how we react bereft of thought. During Fear, we are nonthinking creatures of habit. If we realise this and enable specific or recurrent actions, then our Bodies will do what we, as a whole, can not.

    The one way I like to measure my progress and or ability in this regard is when I am startled. It happens frequently, you are walking, say around a corner, and suddenly *boom* someone is there. Do you jump back? Flight. Or do you thrust an arm forward? Fight. Simple.

    Secondly, during this same 'corner' scenario, do you remain focused on the person or thing that startled you or have you closed your eyes, looked away & screamed or otherwise taken away from the Fight mechanism?

    Fear. Reaction.
    Subconsciousness. Concsiousness.

    The challenge to understanding our Fears and perhaps gaining a little more control is to realise Fear resides in our subconscious. And as such, first becomes a mental task to overcome. We must set the pace or mood, so to speak through repeated conditioning. Then we add reactionary type tasks. If, as I suggest, Fear is an effect, then we focus more on its various causes. It has to become a practise in both concurrent Body and Mind discipline.

    Just a thought. Oh, "the greatest Fear a MAist has" was mentioned more as a logic stream or reference point than a cold, hard belief of mine.

  13. #13
    joehyer Guest
    This previous statement is well written. I understand,I think. I,d like to relate, that when I,m startled as you described, I notice now that I (react)with a technique that is begun and very much halted,when and at the realization that there is actually no danger. I,d like to hear more of what you think. Good one!


  14. #14
    overdemon Guest
    don't forget anger!!
    sometime I go berseck and beat the lifing snot of someone!
    don't feel pain when I got hit and mostly I don't think any more about retreat!
    is just like the opposite of fear!

  15. #15
    WSLfan Guest
    Read "On Killing" by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
    ISBN 0-316-33011-6

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