Modern Wushu is a sport that is a wannabe clone of Traditional Wushu (martial arts). One can say that Kung Fu is at the core of Wushu but not all Wushu is Kung Fu.

People who took Modern Wushu (ie Jet Li, etc) in general have never had ANY traditional training in Chinese study (ie Confucianism, Daoism, etc..) and they never even bothered to learn about it. Their view in general represents the GRASS ROOT LEVEL [re: uneducated] of understanding of the term KUNG FU. This is why they say that farmer joe has kung fu, cook Jane Dough has kung fu, etc... This is also a slight to traditionally trained Chinese martial artists. It is more or less to say that you are a nobody which is what the Communist regime wanted everyone to think that way. Communist party certain don't want free thinking traditionalists to question them on the destruction that was brought on to the Chinese culture by the party.

I am sorry that people like Dr. YJM actually hold the same silly view and put that on his site. [BTW, DJ I don't think you would be amount them for you are much more smarter then that]

Anyway, Kung Fu as a phsyical education and combative art is the collective wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence of many devoted practitioners ranging from military officiers, scholars to members of secret societies. BTW, Sun Lutang is among one of my favorite practitioners. Kung Fu stands up to scrutiny from all classical studies. At the theoretical level, it is coherent with any Confucian material, Daoist cannon classic of change, internal classic of Yellow Emperor, and any military classic such as the Art of War by Sun Zi. In fact, in Northern Praying Mantis alone, there are manuscripts that have elements of plenty of Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644 CE) military manuscripts and to mention the classic of change. This means that principles that are employed in the dynastic military is also used in Mantis even in modern times. There is a distinct formula behind the methodology that Kung Fu systems follows. Kung Fu is a unique and extraordinary study far beyond the expression of the human body in combative form. Next time somebody wants to sell you modern Wushu the sport is the really deal, I would suggest you look around and think twice before jumping head in first.
