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Thread: Hi CLFNole

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hi CLFNole

    Hi CLFNole,

    Seeing that you are so good at palying the role of "Wo Si Lo", would you like to be the non-official internal moderator for CLF history discussions?

    Next time Frank goes off about how Futsan is the birthplace and how Chan Heung is not the founder, please say a few gentle words before he pushes other people's buttons.

    Lee Koon Hung was very good at this, now it is your turn.

    Thanking you in advance.


  2. #2
    Watch out EJ!

    In another thread Frank mentioned getting someone banned!

    We better watch out with how much of his lack of knowledge we expose of him, otherwise he might go get us banned so maybe he can keep faking it ??

    What do you think about these "solutions" ?? Do you think Frank is good at them??

    "If you don't have it, make it up." ??

    "fake it.....until you make it"??

    He says he now has jongs for almost every hand set!??

    A. That is because Futsan don't do CLF, they do Hung Sing Kuen from Fut Gar Jing Jung.
    if know the most possible method was called Fut Ga Jing Jong

  3. #3
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    everyone knows that this stanmore guy is Kenny poop.

    and joseph as long as you try to push your history over mine, i will battle you as long as i live.

  4. #4
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    XJ didn't mean to push yours.

    Is it really necessary to bring my sifu's name into this?

    Look I personally don't agree with a lot that Frank says but he is entitled to his own opinions and beliefs. I am just tired of this whole thing. I go on vacation for a week and come back and what do I see 10 threads about the same old crap.

    There are only 3 types of threads anymore on this site:

    1) History and the arguing over it
    2) I have created a new style and I want everyone to hear about it
    3) We are going to fight but first we need to tell people over 20 pages how we are going to do it.

    No one discusses there art anymore. So if that is how its going to be this "wo si lo" is out of here.

  5. #5
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    I Think What Is So Addicting Here Is The Talking Smack.

    Other Than That, We As Clf People Have Failed To Have Meaningful Clf Discussions. The Only Time People Speak Up Is When The Drama Starts.

    Aside From That, This Place Is A Waste Land. Nothing Good Is Coming From All This Drama.

    In Regards To History, They Will Tell Their History, We Will Tell Ours.

    That's It, That's All.

    As Long As They Want To Battle Over It, (which Includes Me Too) Clf Will Never Be At Piece. As Long As Clf Focuses Only On The Chan Family Branch And Does Not Bring In Equally The Other Two Branches Then Clf Will Never Be At Peace.

    Its A Shame. This History Thing Is All Bad.

  6. #6
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    Its A Shame. This History Thing Is All Bad.
    Well, if this history thing is all bad, why don't we just drop it and talk about the art.

    Hi Frank,

    Do you have any Mu Yan Jong in your Fut Gar Jing Jung? We have quite few in our CLF branches, including Great Sage Hung Sing 洪圣, Heroic Hung Sing 雄胜, Great Victory Hung Sing 鸿胜 and Bak Sing 北胜 CLF. Most people start with the Ching Jong, what do you start with in your "Authentic Shaolin" system from Futsan?

    What about the Ng Ying Kuen and the Bak Gwa Kuen? Do you have any animal and Bak Gwa forms in your Futsan Hung Sing Kuen?

    Can I check with you that the name of your style, Fut Gar Jing Jung, is written like this in Chinese? 佛家正宗

    Don't worry if you can't read Chinese, let us get back on track and compare notes between the two different CMA systems, CLF and Fut Gar Jing Jung and leave history and who founded what to others to argue over. OK?

    (press button F now)

  7. #7
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    i start wherever you start joseph.

    keep it up, i won't quit either.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I give up. "No Mas" in the immortal words of Roberto Duran.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by extrajoseph
    Well, if this history thing is all bad, why don't we just drop it and talk about the art.

    Hi Frank,

    Do you have any Mu Yan Jong in your Fut Gar Jing Jung? We have quite few in our CLF branches, including Great Sage Hung Sing 洪圣, Heroic Hung Sing 雄胜, Great Victory Hung Sing 鸿胜 and Bak Sing 北胜 CLF. Most people start with the Ching Jong, what do you start with in your "Authentic Shaolin" system from Futsan?

    What about the Ng Ying Kuen and the Bak Gwa Kuen? Do you have any animal and Bak Gwa forms in your Futsan Hung Sing Kuen?

    Can I check with you that the name of your style, Fut Gar Jing Jung, is written like this in Chinese? 佛家正宗

    Don't worry if you can't read Chinese, let us get back on track and compare notes between the two different CMA systems, CLF and Fut Gar Jing Jung and leave history and who founded what to others to argue over. OK?

    (press button F now)
    Hi EJ,
    Franks lineage doesn't have any bagua kuen and likely none of the classical 5 CLF animal forms too... What about the other 5 CLF animals??
    He does not have the Choy Lee Fut ng ying kuen, and if he brings up his "um ying kuen" don't be mislead. His "um ying kuen" is NOT a CLF form, but supposedly a "shaolin" form which Lau bun learnt from Yuen Hai's wife, not from Yuen Hai himself.
    Franks lineage also does not have the CLF jongs or the internal CLF.
    Maybe he has made up or plans to make up "jongs" for each pr most of his "hand sets"?? But before he goes about MAKING THINGS UP, maybe he should demonstrate he understands the training principles/philosophy and essence of each of the sophisticated clf jongs first?

    CLF jongs, animal forms and baat gwa kuens?? Internal CLF??

    A. That is because Futsan don't do CLF, they do Hung Sing Kuen from Fut Gar Jing Jung.

    'If know the most possible method was called Fut Ga Jing Jong.'

  10. #10
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    yes, we have whatever you say, brother j.

    you are just so mad, aren't you?

    you hate it that we don't practice chan family clf, but there is no way to get rid of us. You swear what i say is all of my own doing, and that there aren't others who say the same as i do.

    realistically, the only real clf people who stick around here is CLFnole, me, joseph, fu pow and a fu others. yet amongst the world of CLF we are just a few specs of sand. I don't worry about you joseph, you are not powerful enough to ever stop the Fut San HSK spreading its history. Not at all.

    When the Fut San HSK begins to ackowledge Chan Heung, then so will I. I am from the Fut San HSK lineage, and I will tell THEIR story, not yours.

    Can you tell me why Joseph, the FUt San HSK doesn't acknowledge Chan Family CLF like the way you want them to?

    If you cannot give me something i can verify by contacting the Fut San HSK, then i'd keep it to myself.

    like it or not, Chan Heung wasn't Jeong Yim's only teacher. IF you have a problem with the FUT SAN HSK calling what we do CLF, then you should bring your problems to them and stop arguing with me. I won't stop what i believe.

    You still haven't proven anything wrong about the HSK. all you can do is say, do you have this, or that? What ever Chan Heung developed for his own branch is for his own branch.

    If CHoy Lee Fut was just one big family, then there would never be the Chan Family, Hung SIng and Buk Sing branches. it would just be CLF.

    However, we call ourselves Hung SIng CHoy Lee Fut because we don't practice Chan family CLF. our material is different. Like it or not that can never change.

    In fact there are some things that are many technques within the Fut San HSK that I have never seen in Chan Family CLF. However, if you want to know what they are I will only show you in person. I will not subject it to your BS way of twisting around words.

    You keep talking about 5 animals. we have a 5 animals. i don't care if it's not originally CLF. it is now. It's shaolin. to me, if Choy Fook could pass down internal forms and chan heung never changed it from day one, then the internals that the chan family practice are not a product of CLF, but a product passed down by Choy Fook.

    Lau Bun's internal came from a nothern Shaolin stylist. Our internal is shaolin. Choy Fook's internal is shaolin. So i don't see where you have the right to keep talking sheet. Chan Heung didn't create those internals. not according to how you guys tell the stories. Or are you going to change your history again and say that chan Heung never learned the internals from choy fook and made it up himself. Once again, if chan heung teaches a set from choy fook, then the bagua internals are not originally a CLF form, much like our 5 animals.

    so what's the problem?

  11. #11
    A. That is because Futsan don't do CLF, they do Hung Sing Kuen from Fut Gar Jing Jung.

    'If know the most possible method was called Fut Ga Jing Jong.'

  12. #12
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    so we don't do jong's right?


  13. #13
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    VStanmore (kenny)

    We all know that you are kenny. You post "EXACTLY" like him, you attack me the same way, you put posts like a crazy man, you look up to joseph the same way kenny does, possibly kenny is joseph.

    Buy, Kenny (vstanmore) i am going to contact the moderator and tell him you have returned to stir up more trouble.

    you are such an ingorant fool to think we don't know it's you. you can't even deny it. you are him 100%.

  14. #14
    Have you MADE UP a jong for every hand set yet?

    Can you make up a gorilla form if there is a market?

    What do you think about these "solutions" ?? Do you think you are good at them??

    "If you don't have it, make it up." ??

    "fake it.....until you make it"??

    A. That is because Futsan don't do CLF, they do Hung Sing Kuen from Fut Gar Jing Jung.

    'If know the most possible method was called Fut Ga Jing Jong.'

  15. #15
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    kenny= vstanmore...

    I have contacted the moderator to have you banned.

    you are a moron.

    in regards to your remarks about making up stuff........

    see, I've been doing Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut for most of my life. I've learned the Ching Jong, and CLF is all i really know. So, therefore, if I create any form based on my knowledge of the gung fu which was passed down to me, i feel it is my obligation to MY elders to take and develop further the gung fu that is a part of our lineage.

    Once again, Chan Heung was only a normal, everyday man who decided to take the gung fu he learned from 3 of his teachers and shape it into his own style.
    According to the chan family accounts, much of what Chan Heung teaches (such as the Internals) were not Chan Heung's creation, it was taken from Choy Fook and added into whatever chan heung was teaching at the time.

    Chan Koon Pak (if he learned any jong techniques from his father) took what ever jong techniques that were there at the time and added more. By adding more means he made up more stuff.

    If chan heung, chan koon pak, chan yiu chi and chan yong fa can make up what ever they want in regards to their own Choy Lee Fut, then why is it so wrong to create things and pass them down within our system?

    I can see if someone tried to pass it off as a Chan Heung form and it was really created by joe blow, but if the techqniques are of CHoy Lee Fut origin, then it doesn't really matter who creates what. as long as it stays in line with the Choy Lee Fut and not adding in something from other systems, then no matter what it still is Choy Lee Fut. All I know is CLF, and anything I create IS CHOY LEE FUT.
    I just won't go around telling people it is an old traditional set.

    there is nothing wrong with advancement. If we didn't teach Jong's but now we do, what does that mean to you? Just that i don't have your Jongs. But then again on the other side, you wouldn't have my jongs.

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