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Thread: Your first gungfu movie?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Question Your first gungfu movie?

    just as a matter of interest, what was everyone's first gungfu movie that they watched. Mine was my first true gungfu love, Drunken Master with the one and only Jackie Chan.

    What about your's?

    One Finger Zen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Mine was Three Evil Masters by Shaw Brothers. But one of my truly Favorites was SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Countless Black Belt Theater movies they played back in the 80's... cant remember one name. Always had that enlongated-image look at the beginning. Hmm....

    I remember some guy fighting a blind man by attaching bells to needles then throwing them around the battlefield to distract him. Thats about it. lol Someone should get a prize if they can name that movie.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    High Northern Desert, US
    My fist kung fu movie wasn't a movie. In the 60's, we all knew about the "judo chop" - all the spies used it. Some of us were aware of an esoteric Asian art called "karate" and saw pieces of it, kind of, in movies like "The Manchurian Candidate" and "Goldfinger". But then a TV show came on the air, lasted only one season. It was a Batman-type character called "The Green Hornet". It took place in the 30's in a big city, and he had a chauffer played by someone called Bruce Lee... Every episode had a 30-second fight scene, and I watched that showed religiously. I *knew that that was what I wanted to do.

    It took me over ten years, but I finally moved to California and found a kung fu teacher.
    The lyfe so short, the craft so long to lerne.
    - Chaucer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bacolod, Negros Occ., Philippines
    "Snake In The Eagle's Shadow". I was five years old then. It helped get me hooked on the martial arts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    I was a Kato freak since I was 11. I was so glad the nehru jacket came out, so I could look sorta like Kato. All I talked about was Gung-Fu and Bruce Lee. And none of my friends had any idea who he was. When Chinese Connection came out, I was watching TV and the commercial came on. I freaked out! BRUCE LEE IS MAKING MOVIES! There is a God! I ran out to see it. It played at the Hempstead Theatre with Shaft, or Superfly or some other 'Kill Whitey" movie, and I was the only whitey in the theatre, I looked like a piece of dandruff on a black suit. When Enter the Dragon came on HBO, only one kid in the neighborhood had cable so we went over to his house to watch on an 11" Sony.
    My friend and I used to work for an hour rigging up a uhf antennea with coat hangers and aluminum foil to get a snowy reception on channel 21, just to catch 30 sec of Kato in Green Hornet. I also used to go into the theatres on 42nd st. They used to play triple features. I would go in the morning and come out at night. I remember seeing The Manderin Magician, and Duel of the Iron Fist, and One Armed Boxer.
    Yeah, and people wonder why I teach Kung-Fu.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plano TX USofA
    Again, not really a Gung-Fu movie, but I first got hooked on Martial Arts after seeing the James Bond flick, You Only Live Twice, which was set in Japan, and featured some pretty neat MA scenes.

    Sometime after that I saw a James Garner movie, called Marlowe in which Bruce Lee as a bad guy had a couple of scenes, one where he literally destroyed Garner's office with his bare hands.

    Sometime after that, Lee was featured as an occassional guest on a TV series about a blind detective played by James Franciscus, called Longstreet. The episode where Lee's character is introduced was called The Way Of The Intercepting Fist.

    Last edited by rfbrown3; 03-07-2004 at 03:57 PM.

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