"Any one of us would take you apart in training - all the while, demonstrating TCC's "stylistic attributes" according to Gary Romel"

Hmm, now it comes down to personal attacks and "who can take who". How childish..........and even exaggerated.

"I'll tell those women that they shoulda curled up in a ball on the ground because Gary Romel said so.'

I dont remember saying everyone was like that? Wait -here is my quote "some people are clueless about fighting..." notice the "some", Im sorry my exp. with people contradicts yours, but at least I did not make my comments personal and rediculous, perhaps you should have a beer and chill out.

"It has everything to do with it. You allude ......"

No it doesnt, a rule of not cheating yourself by having your partner throw punches short or to the side of your head does not allude to anything but that.

Unlike you shooter I use descriptive language, I dont remain vague about tactical and strategic movement that is not correct or incorrect and that stems from natural blah blah blah blah.....

It would seem since you fail to outline exactly what you do physicaly in training, and cannot even directly address my points in context without resorting to personal mockery and attacks this conversation is over as it is becoming useless. Perhaps if you re-read my post you will find it very reasonable, and not in the childish rude tone yours is.