Heh, heh. Well Kung Lek, I see what you're saying but MY primary mistake was that I started off trying to be reasonable with the guy. In fact, other than the "STFU" comment earlier (which he's said to me on other threads WITHOUT me returning such pleasantries) I've not been harsh on him at all. Yes, I've been sarcastic and made fun of him but I would do that to anyone espousing such rigamarole as he does.

I'm sorry if it bothers you to see it, but he's the one who jumped up & brought the fire down on his own self (again, and again, etc) so I have a hard time feeling sorry for him. There have been several times when these little tiffs have died down and he gets left alone, but he just can't resist starting up again with his crapping on EF & those of us who are members, so then EF members start in on him again. Like I've said before, if he stops BEING an azz, he won't be treated like an azz.

I'm surprised YOU don't see that.