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Thread: A Challenge

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    the name game

    Well, that's the other funny thing about banning is that there really is no way to ban someone on the internet. It's a token gesture. Anyone can always use a new account and start again. There is no way for us to control that. In fact, it really amuses me when banned members aren't intelligent enough to figure this out and argue violently to be reinstated. It also amuses me that people make such a big deal about banning.

    So, we don't really ban the individual, we ban the user name. They can start up again with a new personality/forum name, and if they cross the line, we ban them again. Eventually, we hope they get tired because it is such a waste of energy, really. Stupid trolls are really obvious and get banned the second time pretty quickly because they are sooo obvious. Smart trolls creep back into the system and if they don't cross the line, well, that's fine. As long as nobody crosses the line, nobody gets banned.

    There's got to be some control, even a token one, otherwise this will descend into just another internet porn site. And that's not what CMA is about. Well, not usually.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    36th Chamber
    They can start up again with a new personality/forum name, and if they cross the line, we ban them again.
    Instead of banning the Name, ban the IP address. I do it all the time on my board, and it works like a charm. Most people don't have access to more than one computer.
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Unfortunately our forum doesn't have that function...

    ...but it doesn't really matter, it's easy enough to do it manually.
    Most people don't have access to more than one computer.
    Actually, most do. There's internet cafes, libraries, schools, and you can always change your IP provider, or just get a new computer - you need to get a new computer every few years nowadays anyways, just to keep up. So IPs are very impermanent, like anything on the net. Just think, we'be all been on this forum for years, but with just one little click of a button, I could make the whole thing vanish. Not that I would do that, of course, but such is the nature of this media. It makes one treasure the moment more.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #19
    Bai-He is a good guy who often contributes meaningful thought out statements to our community.
    That's one man's opinion...
    A man is born gentle and weak.
    At his death he is hard and stiff.
    Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
    At their death they are withered and dry.
    Therefore, the stiff and unbending is the principle of death.
    The gentle and yielding is the principle of life.
    Thus, an army without flexibility rarely wins a battle.
    A tree that is unbendable is easily broken.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Plymouth, MA
    Two men, junior

  6. #21
    Bai He gives more content over at Empty Flower forum than 90% of the posters here are even capable of. The laughably inconsistent policy toward trolls is why KFM's forum is only a hollow shell of its former self. Nowadays, the trolls outnumber the posters here, and what's left is mostly absolute noobs who eventually move on when they realize that very little real information is exchanged here.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    empty flower

    what's left is mostly absolute noobs who eventually move on
    well, what's left are the noobs and you - or are you about to move on too?

    There is certainly an ebb and flow with any forum, but such is the nature of the beast. What you all must consider is that most of the dirty work of moderation is never seen by our members. In fact, that's the whole point.

    As for the banning of Bai He, like I mentioned before, banning is just flicking a switch. We can un-ban him as easily as we banned him. We have un-banned many people previously for various reasons, mostly sincere apologies. Or if he wishes, it's certainly within his power to resort to an alternative method of returning to the forum, as mentioned above, if he so desires. Or he can move on. I personally hope he doesn't and that we can resolve this more amicably, but whatever the case, it's not for the general membership to decide. While we certainly appreciate the concern of everyone on this thread - even admire the notion of all of you going to bat for a banned member - please consider that with every banning, there are factors in play that the general membership has never seen. There is always a PM dialog between moderation and ban candidate which nobody sees - and typically, assuming the case wasn't so extreme - that is the determining factor.

    We just want people to play nice. Is that so much to ask?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    "what's left is you and the noobs? "

    Before or after they buy some of the crap your sponsors
    pay you to bludgeon them with? Will the poop you hawk make me a better MA?






    Aren't you late for a powerpoint presentation on P&L?

    Be nicer to your public in the future Mr. Ching.
    Last edited by RICK JAMES; 05-07-2004 at 06:22 PM.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004

    A bit more

    The rest of your post seemed pretty good.
    You should have showed Mr. McKinley some respect IMO, he was nothing but courteous to you.

  10. #25
    Two men, junior

    ok.. buddy...

    Be Happy Today.
    A man is born gentle and weak.
    At his death he is hard and stiff.
    Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
    At their death they are withered and dry.
    Therefore, the stiff and unbending is the principle of death.
    The gentle and yielding is the principle of life.
    Thus, an army without flexibility rarely wins a battle.
    A tree that is unbendable is easily broken.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    you guys can't seriously think that this forum is better than that forum etc etc?

    lol, that's just ludicrous.

    these are discussion forums and they are filled with all sorts of nonsense.

    ef included as well as this or any other martial arts discussion forum has ample shares of noobs and stupidity littered throughout it's threads.

    Man, some peeps are far to attached to this hyar digital realm me-thinks! lol

    frankly I'd have no problem with having them or not having them. But because they're hear, I'll read em sometimes and post my own rants and info. IN the end, the only real value in kungfu practice is in ones study and practice and definitely not in what they post on a forum.

    afterall, what is ef forum but a vehicle of DeVere's own desires? He promotes himself as a designer through that site and may have even sold his skill as a programmer in his ability to set up and maintain a board such as teh one that is at EF. (which by the way is free software that is dead easy to set up by anyone with the inclination to do so.

    so to cramp on this board and gene because Gene uses it to sell his wares and make his living is hardly appropriate, and to hoist high the banners of honour over a few words of what is otherwise more drivel on the net from whoever posts it is in essence nothing more than juvenile.

    just my opinion, but I'll see y'all on both these boards anyway.

    You ef guys really need a tune up or something though. yeesh! You still haven't seemed to learn that your spin on things may not be the only way to do things and you may even not know that 99.999% of the folks out there could care less about your ponderings and posturings.

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #27
    If someone says I suck , or doubts me or whatever, fine. Some people just strike me as know it alls, and extremely arrogant and unreasonable, and can't recognize that people who disagree with them could possibly know anything. WHen people claim to be experts and say I clearly don't know what I'm talking about, I think is different from being skeptical, doubtful, or voicing an opinion of how cool something is. Saying you suck, does not mean anything that people try and make it out to. Somethings are just opinions, but when people say so and so is bullshido, or they're the best experts around, well some things need more proof than others, so what I say about who sucks is true, legitimate, and there's alot wimps in IMA. I just blame the wannabe experts, not the qi hugging hippies, whoever they are anyways. I'll disappear for while, but on the other hand, it just takes afew clicks and a couple minutes to check the forum

    So IMO , saying someone sucks is not a big deal, every sports team gets booed when not at home, that's just simple. Don't expect me to listen to you like I know nothing though. But if you're saying someone is bullshido, or knows nothing about what they're talking about or teaching wrong, that at least requires some backup, if not a meeting in person, so I shoulda never been banned from anywhere. Sorry for being young and knowing a bit. People banning people from forums do it out of envy and fear of their reputation, because they want to appear smart instead of tough, but blame it on hippies

    The problem in IMA, IMO is the wannabe experts, not qi hugging hippies, is all
    Last edited by intimidation; 05-08-2004 at 02:42 PM.

  13. #28
    Ya know backbreaker, the only one who ever said that anyone "sucked" was YOU saying that EF and everyone on it sucks and that everyone on EF thinks they're an expert (not true) and that no one on EF can really fight (not true). I just came on to point out that you were very incorrect in making those statements (about people you don't even know).

    As for Kung Lek, I've seen YOU defend yourself and your beliefs more than a few times. Why should we not be allowed to do the same? At what point did ANYONE on EF EVER say that our points of view (which are many and often even at variance with one another, it's not like there's one official EF "point of view" on ANYTHING) are the only correct ones? So yeah, actually we have known all along that our ways of doing things are NOT the only way and I don't think I've ever seen anyone on the forum express the opinion that they give a rat's arse what "99.999% of the folks out there" think of our views.

    Anyway, Kung Lek and backbreaker/serious harm/intimidation can certainly feel free to go off into the sunset practicing their Atlantean Chi Gung together, that's fine by me. But if people come onto a board I read and make false statements about people I know, then yes, I WILL step up to correct the misinformation they're trying to spead.


  14. #29
    Originally posted by cerebus
    Ya know backbreaker, the only one who ever said that anyone "sucked" was YOU saying that EF and everyone on it sucks and that everyone on EF thinks they're an expert (not true)

    I never said everyone, just the vocal minority and moderator, many are on this thread. That's ALL I said, I didn't say I was an expert because I have 15 years, or that what I say is an expert opiion and "proven fact"

    and that no one on EF can really fight (not true). I just came on to point out that you were very incorrect in making those statements (about people you don't even know).

    Fighting means MMA, or against someone larger to be cool

    As for Kung Lek, I've seen YOU defend yourself and your beliefs more than a few times. Why should we not be allowed to do the same? At what point did ANYONE on EF EVER say that our points of view (which are many and often even at variance with one another, it's not like there's one official EF "point of view" on ANYTHING) are the only correct ones?

    That's all I was ever told while there. Alot of talk about 20 years this, 15 years that, I'm just a kid so I don't know blah blah

    So yeah, actually we have known all along that our ways of doing things are NOT the only way and I don't think I've ever seen anyone on the forum express the opinion that they give a rat's arse what "99.999% of the folks out there" think of our views.

    But they cannot be disagreed with evidently, or you feel threatened. You just have a misunderstanding, I just give out my understandings and defend a few groups that people like to bash. You are the ones complaining and feeling threatened. I just said you suck and I have every right. CEREBUS, you are trying to claim correct, I am correct, but all I'm saying is EF sucks

    Anyway, Kung Lek and backbreaker/serious harm/intimidation can certainly feel free to go off into the sunset practicing their Atlantean Chi Gung together, that's fine by me. But if people come onto a board I read and make false statements about people I know, then yes, I WILL step up to correct the misinformation they're trying to spead.

    I said nothing false, I was banned along with another group, who by the way I have heard have been stepping up and doing some sparring with other styles. I had a challenge at the time fro IMA vs. MMA. All you have is you supposed 15 years. And if your friend who agrees with you has another 15, then you got 30!


    So you keep saying I was banned because I have SO much less experience in IMA than you guys, but I know it's because you are threatened that some of you would be overshadowed.

    So i'm fine to just forget totally about EF and not talk about it, but anytime I say anything someone fells threatened. I just have my own ideas and things I'd like to see or hear about, and have nothing to lose is all.
    Last edited by intimidation; 05-08-2004 at 02:59 PM.

  15. #30
    So the point is, that someone on this very thread claimed I'm ignorant of MA, all I claim is that you are lame

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