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Thread: U.S. athletes told to cool it at Olympics

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Alb. New Mexico USA
    That's odd...I thought it was the training & promotion policy at my work
    Knocking on wood. I didn't push anyone off. really.
    Master...Teach me kung fu.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY
    Originally posted by Becca
    Any one else notice how ZIM's avitar sort'a sums up the whole topic of poitics for most on this forum? We just keep kicking at each other, watching others fall, and get kicked in the butt ourselve 'cause we were to busy gloating over our own actions/comments, to realize we are showing our a$$ to someone else. And it is a visious circle which will never end untill we choose to stop kicking at each other.

    Think about it.....
    Oh, you caught that, hunh?
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  3. #33
    Originally posted by T'ai Ji Monkey

    Another person with reading and thinking problems.

    Let the US do it all alone and see how far she goes, economciall and cultural.
    I hear they are already talking of sending the troops from South Korea to Iraq in order to sort the situation, thought those troops were needed badly there to prevent the North from attacking/invading the South??

    Why not the Troops in Japan??
    lol! So me, a civilian completely unconnected to the current US President's Administration or the Pentagon, speculating about reasons behind troop movements is going to prove what exactly?

    And I'm the one with thinking problems...

    And yes, the US has always needed aid from other countries econimcally, culturally, and militarily. Maybe around 1800... Again

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Right here!
    Originally posted by Ford Prefect

    And I'm the one with thinking problems...
    South Korea = 37.000 US Troops used as a deterent to the North Koreans.
    Japan = 45.000 US Troops, sitting around oggling japanese teens and getting drunk.

    Which 3.600 US Troops would you send to Iraq??
    For me the answer is obvious, but I guess I don't think like an American.

    And yes, the US has always needed aid from other countries econimcally, culturally, and militarily. Maybe around 1800... Again
    Right now it looks like the US could use quiet a bit of military help, stretch the US troops too thin and ...

    How much longer can the US economy support the increasing costs of the current military action, increased security, more US workers in the field and not at the workplace.

  5. #35
    South Korea = 37.000 US Troops used as a deterent to the North Koreans.
    Japan = 45.000 US Troops, sitting around oggling japanese teens and getting drunk.

    Which 3.600 US Troops would you send to Iraq??
    For me the answer is obvious, but I guess I don't think like an American.

    See? Why bother paying the JCOS and other high-ranking, experienced military personnel when we have t'ai ji monkey here to give the US government military advice? It has to be as simple as you're making it out to be.

    Right now it looks like the US could use quiet a bit of military help, stretch the US troops too thin and ...

    How much longer can the US economy support the increasing costs of the current military action, increased security, more US workers in the field and not at the workplace.

    Sharing the burden militarily would most certainly make it easier. Some time's the easy way isn't always the best way though.

    The economy seems to be doing fine to me. The markets are rebounding and jobs are being created. I work for a small software company, one of the hardest areas hit by the recession, and even we have been profitable the last few quarters and are hiring again. The US GDP can handle a few hundred billion for a few years. No problem at all.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    On the mat.
    The ridiculous thing about all this is, is that the Americans can't seem to see that it is always, the rest vs. the us. This seems odd to me, sort of like, 'I'm not crazy, the world is crazy' or "we're not the bad guys, everybody else is" mentality.
    A unique snowflake

  7. #37
    Not really, Winter Palm. When American goals are in the best interests of a nation, then they support the US. If they aren't in line, like the recent iraq war, then they will oppose the US. The same can be said about America and other nation's actions.

    It doesn't take a bright person to realize that a country generally acts in what's in its own best interests and not what benefits humanity. I'm surprised you'd even bring something that silly up. It kind of speaks for itself.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Right here!
    Update on the situation:

    May 18, 2004
    Statement From United States Olympic Committee
    Chief Executive Jim Scherr Regarding U.S. Athletes
    Celebrating with the American Flag at the Athens Olympic And Paralympic Games

    "The United States Olympic Committee wants to make it absolutely clear that we have not -- and will not -- instruct our athletes to refrain from waving the United States flag during the upcoming Athens Olympic and Paralympic Games. Any suggestions or statements to the contrary do not reflect the official position of our organization.

    Athletes will be free, as always, to celebrate their performances in an exuberant, respectful way during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We will remind our athletes that they are guests of the Olympic movement, Greece, and the city of Athens and to be good ambassadors of our country, their communities, families and sports. We want our athletes to be champions who conduct themselves with class and, if it is the case, to lose with grace and dignity. Additionally, we are reminding them to treat the United States flag with the respect it deserves.

    One of the proudest moments of my life was to put on my USA warm-up and represent my country at the 1988 Olympic Games. I know our athletes feel the same way today and we will not in any way infringe upon that honor.

    Accomplishments of athletes and teams such as the 1980 United States Olympic Hockey Team, the great Billy Mills, swimming legend Janet Evans and countless others have inspired our nation. We are certain that the athletes who represent the United States at the 2004 Olympic and Paralympic Games will do the same."

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The ridiculous thing about all this is, is that the Americans can't seem to see that it is always, the rest vs. the us. This seems odd to me, sort of like, 'I'm not crazy, the world is crazy' or "we're not the bad guys, everybody else is" mentality.
    Thats a hasty genrelization. I think we need help because or pres. has dug a hole too deep to get out of so he's trying to dig to the other side. Quotes like the one you spoutted is wrong and unjustified. I, an American, know that bush has fuct us over and now it is us vs. everyone else. He took us to war against UNs wishes and know he's singing the "Help Me" song.

    I could be an assh@le and spout relatively the same unjustified crap you spouted about canadians. I'm above that. Just rethink your theory and relize Americans aren't Lemmings. We do have minds of our own.
    CPA's current P4P List:
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  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Commerce City, Colorado
    Originally posted by WinterPalm
    The ridiculous thing about all this is, is that the Americans can't seem to see that it is always, the rest vs. the us. This seems odd to me, sort of like, 'I'm not crazy, the world is crazy' or "we're not the bad guys, everybody else is" mentality.
    Irony is were someone who takes no action to suport thier point-of-veiw feels free to lamblst those who do. There is an interesting quote I read along time ago:
    Wisdome comes from experience.
    Experience comes from success and occasional failure.
    Success and failure come from doing.
    Become wise...
    Go Do Something!
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

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