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Thread: Dr. Lee - Mimen Tang Lang

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Dr. Lee - Mimen Tang Lang

    Got this link to the german site of some MA-School in Germany.
    Now this Prof. Dr. Dr. Lee Kuen-Tae is a 10. Dan in TKD, has organized World Championships and has many many titles in different MAs.
    One of the MAs he does is "Mimoen Dang Lang Chuan", although he mixes it with Southern Shi Xing Chuan Kung Fu and calls that "Shaolin Lee Gar Kung Fu" (footwork and kicks from Mimen PM and hands from shi xing).
    I looked up the web for some information on what lineage or from whom he learned Mimen Tang Lang, but couldn't find anything.
    Can anybody tell me more of this guy and probably his "PM-ability" ? Haven't seen him yet but from the pics of him and his students (one of them mokei yuen lee) they seem pretty much like TKD-stylists.

    Last edited by puja; 05-27-2004 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tainan Taiwan
    Looked at the pics and didn't see anything PM.
    Can't read German either.

    I see he has Korean and Thai MA also.
    Interesting to see Taebo listed too.

    Maybe he read a book on mimen?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada

    Smile Wow...

    I love German! It sounds so cool.

    Was ist Kung Fu - what is Kung Fu

    "kleinen Drachen" - Little dragon (Bruce Lee)

    But I have to said associating with Shaolin temple monk all those " Shi generation" is in my book highly suspect. Most of these so called monks of Shaolin today are modern Wushu exponents. Some of these monks are now in the states having a " life" .

    I have a copy of a book (a gift) that is titled as Taiji Mantis that claims to be of an " alternate" origin. It is in fact a borrowed history of the southern PM. It is a " style" made up of some kickboxing stuff for bare hand, some knife fighting, some katana, and some exotic weapons. If you are not familiar with Kung Fu history and all, you will be convinced by this exotic Taiji Mantis. But it is no more than a hoax designed to grab your cash and run. The moral is Caveat Emptor.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    tainan mantis,
    me neither, the only pic on his site where he claims to be in mimen tang lang pose is very dark and doesn't look very mantis like.
    He also doesn't tell much about his mimen, but only states out he has been learning from shaolin monks (Shi De Yu and some other) so perhaps he really read a book about mimen
    For me at least his kungfu-story seemed and now even more seems (like mantis108 said) highly suspect.
    The reason I asked about him is that a younger kungfu-brother of mine asked me if I knew this guy or his student meiko yuen lee as they also "do" tang lang. He was highly impressed by the pictures of high kicks and the many titles they have gained, so he wanted to visit yuen lee to see how it's like. He's not gonna leave us or such, only a very curious guy.
    so long,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I just talked to my Shifu and asked him about Dr. Lee and he knew him right away. I now remember my shifu even once telling me about him, too.
    It seems this man had organized some championships in the past and then taped the forms of styles he liked (i.e. tanglang), so that he could learn them from video
    So now I don't need any further info on him =) Only wanted to inform you about it.


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