i live and train in nyc my ex sifu paul koh who studied wing chun use to say wing chun in nyc is empty except for one teacher (my soon to be current teacher) V.A. thomas he said that in real wing chun the first form siu nim tao is down at a very very very slow pace slower then tai chi, and should take an hour to complete but in nyc all the wing chun schools do it at either a normal pace or very fast witch makes it empty wing chun and if the "root is not staedy then the tree will fall" sifu use to say meaning if the basics and begaining form are not right then the rest will be a waste of time alot of sifu's like Sifu B teach it empty so did the late Sifu A until you became a close door student. students in nyc and all over how is your siu nim tao done.

[This message was edited by Sihing73 on 05-21-01 at 06:28 AM.]