Now unfortunately this usually isn't the case with most trad martial arts - so what you have to consider is this, are low contact drills or sparring in the kwoon as realistic as an actual NHB fight in a ring? Which is closer to reality?
Our school practices full contact and was doing so long before the UFC came along. The idea that cma dont do full contact, well for the most part in the US they dont, they have either been commercialized into the sport dance BS or some Karate practioners learned a butterfly kick and proclaims to be a KF instructor. I have gone to most of the KF school in my area and found none have full contact sparring sessions.
The closer you train to reality, the better and more prepared you will be for reality i.e. if you want to learn how to swim, you swim. With fighting, it is oft frowned upon to go out and pick fights, so your training has to be as close to reality as possible.
I'm not of the oppinion that UFC style training does not prepare you to fight, but training for UFC or any event with rules trains you to confine your thought patterns within the rules. And although we do not maim each other at our school we don't have a set of rules when it comes to sparring. Common sense and benevolence toward your peers is the only principle. This frees the mind to persue any and all techniques up to a point in their execution, rather then eliminating them all together. Unlike the UFC a nut shot is completely fine, because you are expected to know how to protect them when you become eligible to spar.
Strange that you would be so bad at figuring, considering that is the mainstay of your training.
What is funny you MMA guys think MMA is something new when MA systems have been training like this for centuries. The Shaolin Monastary (before the PRC version) is well known for exchanging knowledge with other MA systems. It not the idea of MMA that is idiocy just the idea that it is something new.

who wins a fight is dependent on many things, training, heart, tenacity, conditioning etc.. All BJJ'ers or MMA practioners are not going to get the best of all KF pracitioners and vice versa. To think that a KF pracitioner cant get the best of a BJJer or MMA is just ignorance. If you base your assumption on the UFC or MMA your limiting your hypothesis to a miniority in the MA community.