Originally posted by Skarbromantis
.... but as for the guys he trains with, total block heads, I have great respect for the system, but not for "WC clowns" who come of way too strong, its sad that "ego" is being taught, within the training.
So we're all to be judged by this one group in T.O. That doesn't sound reasonable to me. It's a big world out there.

All that stuff about chain punches and Bruce Lee doesn't relate to the Wing Chun I know, so please be careful about using such generalizations. You're probably getting this information from the same guys you're calling "WC clowns". Think about it.....does that make any sense to you?

As for thinking WC is the best. Don't you want to train in the art that is the best one for you?

Egos, tough guys and clowns can be found in every martial art. At least that's been my experience.

Your mileage may vary.
