I know there are a few resources for monkey out there, but check Sifu John Allen at Green Dragon. He advertises in KF Magazine. He has a nice tape with techniques on monkey.

As far as Monkey vs BJJ or any style vs BJJ........

Situations and fighters will make a difference.

The gracies win for two reasons, training and the fighter.

Let a monkey guy bite poke or whatever and he will not change a fight against a grappler. If he couldn’t beat him without biting, he wont with it. The grapplers take that into consideration, and remember breaking an arm takes a second.

If a monkey guy trained full contact and with resisting partners, then he will increase his chances. If he knows the techniques the grappler uses he can develop counters.

I have met guys who fool themselves and students by mimicking a move and developing a counter. Don’t do it that way, find a grappler and learn the techniques so you know how to counter a proper one.

Keep in mind that there is no ultimate style that works for everyone. Not everyone can grapple effectivly, thats why you see many different styles, they were developed based on what worked for the origionator.

Today in NHB we see that BJJ is not dominating anymore, now you have to cross train and have skills in other areas. But for the majority of us, fighting in the street means we must work on our strengths.

Unless you are going to UFC, dont worry about it, train hard and realistically.