It’s not too heavy… about 20 –30 lbs… went outside to try a sandbag workout EDT style… but I forgot to caount my reps?… sets?… set my watch for 2o minutes… placed the bag a distance away from a starting point ( a pole )… so basically… start at the bag… C&P 6 times… sprint to the pole… walk back to the bag… lather.. rinse .. repeat… around the 4 minute mark… the sprint became a jog… the 14 minute mark… heaven and earth became HE||…

The sandbag will eat at your knuckles… tape them up first…
Sprinting is much more fun then regular running…
I used my bookbag from college… which is basically some army/navy store surplus bag… so I really don’t wanna do this… but remove the metal ends first… I smacked my self in the face I don’t know how many times…