I have had numerous disastrous breakups. In fact I'm going through one right now. I have dealt with these in 2 different manners, one was helpful the other destructive.

I'll start with the destructive one.

- I stopped training, started to drink more than I should have been, earned a DUI, quit my job,(turned my keys in and walked out), trashed my apt., left my teacher and club w/out notice, keyed my X's car, which I had to pay for (how mature was that)? , relocated geographically and started my life over. Did it help?

Not really. The issues I had are still there and I'm still dealing with them to this day. The difference is that I'm doing it correctly now.

For instance:

I broke up with my most recent g/f last month. Here is how I'm handling it.

- Staying social, going out with friends, doing constructive things, staying focused on my career, I haven't neglected my hobbies, my training , my family or my health. I've done a lot of soul searching instead of blaming and even gone as far as to seek the counsel of someone who can listen to my distress with a non-biased opinion.

The result? I've gotten much closer to the girl who I thought I couldn't be with, my training has gotten more intense than ever before, I'm much healthier mentally and physically, I've made new friends and developed a new social life.

Oh, and yes Meditation is key. Let your emotions flow, cry if you have to do a lot of it, it's healty and you'll feel much better when it's all said and done.

just my $.02