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Thread: Happy Taiwanese Independence Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    In da' Hiz-ouse

    Happy Taiwanese Independence Day

    to all the taiwanese people in the house

    The more you know the less you need to show.

    May you be filled with loving kindness.
    May you be well.
    May you be peaceful and at ease.
    May you be happy.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up


    It is the celebration of the 93 th aniversary for the founding of Repulic of China.

    It is the day that ended dynastic rule of China for 2000 years.

    Dr. Sun Yat Sen, his compatriots and comrades in Qing's New Army made it happen.

    A government that is of the people (Min Yo), ruled by the people (Min Zi) and works for the people (Min Xian).

    The first democratic republic in east Asia was born in 10-10, 1911.

    Nanjing was the capital.

    However, military rule by Yuan Si Kai and his Bei Yang cadets plaqued the early years.

    Taiwan was under Japan's colonial rule at the time.

    Taiwan was restored to the Republic in 1945 after Japan's unconditional surrender in WWII.

    Taipei became the temporary seat of the Republic in 1949 after communist takeover of the mainland.

    The return to China effort was given up in the "60 after the start of Vietnam conflict.

    The slogan was abandoned in the late "70.

    "One China" policy was upheld by all sides.

    The celebration is now more locally flavored than anything else.

    The speeches by Dr. Sun Yat Sen are still resounding in the 21st century.

    There are statues of him everywhere he has been to, such as Hawaii International airport, Chinatown, downtown LA, Tokyo. etc.

    There is the museum in Taipei, Taiwan.

    Never before in Chinese history, one man's voice awakened so many sleeping dragons.

    Last edited by SPJ; 10-10-2004 at 08:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    user blocked by low score
    I hope people find the true meaning of life and be happy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Xi'an, P.R.C.
    Thank you SPJ.

    I myself was wondering about 2 things before your post.

    1. How is it possible for Taiwan to have an "independance day" when they have never formally declared independance?


    2. Why in the world would Red China celebrate the same say, October 10, as their national hoiday and even take a whole week off?

    The title of this post should be changed to

    "Happy Chinese National Holiday Day !!!"

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