so, the last several months have been hectic...bosses returned June 1 and left Sep 1. This time for 6 months. Over the summer I did the demo on 3 bathrooms and the replumbing of all fixtures in them (starting the next 2 bathrooms this week), learned how to run an electric fence around the property, and otherwise kept the property in shape. then, they told me their next idea which is to turn the main house into a vacation property which opened up a whole new can of worms as far as prepping the house for that...AND they added 3 angus heifers into the newly fenced lower field.

so, in the coming months I will also be acting as concierge and general host to any potential renters coming in. it's gonna be a huge headache as the bosses are NOT hoteliers. but, anyway...

2 weeks ago tomorrow, in the last bit of running the electric fence in the field, I was up a tree running an insulated wire to carry the e-wire to a mid field fence and in the process of jumping out of the tree, the boss walked under me and I was trying to dodge him and ended up landing on a fist sized rock which rolled and popped the crap out of my left ankle. was completely off of it for 3 days, then on crutches for a week and a brace and tall boots since then. it was def one of the worst incidents of ankle soft tissue damage I've ever given myself. still limping, can't do a full squat and only have a bout 60% or so rom in the ankle and it swells up after several hours on my feet.

but, was determined to start in a gym in September after the bosses left.

I have been searching for someplace to just do power and oly lifting. there are 3 crossfit boxes here and 2 would only let me oly if I joined at their 'unlimited' level. the 3rd guy was amenable to me lifting with him and a couple of his guys but a) they lift at 11am during the week and b) he couldn't resist preaching.

so, decided on

they have what I think is hammerstrength equipment, a few of them are logo'd as such and the rest are the same style. otherwise, they have the usual assortment of machines and free weights and lots of aerobic machines.

unusually, they didn't have a machine for horizontal flat bench, just a vertical/sitting flat bench.

went in Saturday and determined my horizontal flat bench and lat pull down 1RM at 225 each. As with my previous 1RM attemps with the Hammerstrength stuff, I am doing 2 concentric portions of the lift as you start close to your chest on the bench.

I only did those two lifts and will write a program for 5x5 w/ 10 week progression and add in other machines.

I did a few practice leg presses but too much pain. so, will be upper body for a while.

I held my weight in the low 240's over the summer, got under 240 a couple of times. I'm in the upper 240's and just brushing 250 again with the inactivity of the last two weeks. My goal is to lift on Saturdays and ride on Sundays once the ankle heals.