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Thread: Demons and Martial Arts

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    everything is opinion 7*Method.

    especially when dealing with intangibles.
    I think my point was that when we speak of god, angels, demons etc etc, then these are intangibles. There is a burden of proof on someone who wishes to vest these ideas into others though and that's where it generally falls apart for the vester and becomes a matter of faith for the vested.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Kung Lek
    I would say that these things will only exist if you let them.

    Otherwise, in truth, they do not exist.

    good and evil are descriptions of actions taken by human beings that fit into teh social codes they live within. something in our society seen as good, or even neutral in effect can be seem in other societies as wholly demonic and deeply evil
    ...and there are still apologists for them today!

    In other words, these are creations of our own minds and not actual things. You can play with them if you like, but they have no intrinsic value or meaning unto themselves. If you don't believe in them, then they do not exist, if you do, then they will, but only for you who believe in them and you cannot have any effect with them upon others who do not believe.
    Sounds like you've either grown up in a liberal city in the states or have had introductory courses in philosophical ontology, ethics and anthroplogy.

    the only thing that is dependant on your acceptance of it is niether good and bad, truth or falsehood or tangible or intangible. that 'thing' is your point of view. your pov is dependant upon your enculturation, which almost nobody questions because it formulates in you as a child amongst your parents siblings and peers. it will forever shape how you view yourself and the world around you. the strongest provocations towards formation of solid ethics and resultant actionable points of view come from the basic environment in which one is reared: nurturing type environments can be utilized to produce different kinds of people just as destructive one can be. both formative types can produce both good and evil people. with this formative cognition a concept of good can be seen to preexist a society whereby enculturation occurrs to enforce that concept of good and evil and self versus group.

    "generally, what is good for one is good for all". this statement ignores individuals and thier opportunity for self validation. it is even clear by our nation's experience that it is a blatent falsehood as it denies a person's basic rights. but it does have some good elements in the area of law enforcement in that the punishments would be unwaivering and not open to interpretation. further it ignores the sacrifice of individuality required by individuals to join a group and remain its member. it does this by providing a framework which its members can adhere to. in the vast majority of human experience it is difficult to adhere to tenants of belief if their are options available that seem more tenable for even a short time to an individual.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by YuanZhideDiZhen
    Sounds like you've either grown up in a liberal city in the states or have had introductory courses in philosophical ontology, ethics and anthroplogy.
    No man, he's just Canadian.

    Hippies can't stand deathmetal - Eric Cartman

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA

    Traditions evolve out of groups to describe a meaning to every event or occurrance in human experience (such as in Judaism).

    it is my belief that the vast majority of humans alive today will never be bothered by a ghost, demon, or spirit unless they are introduced to it by someone else: that no human will encounter one on thier own or in thier own daily experience because there are more humans alive today than have ever existed throughout all of time. which may answer another question about the prevalence of 'bad' people in the world assuming a good one has to have help to be good; or that it is exceedingly difficult to maintain goodness without help of some kind.

    along this line: if animals are capable of becoming ghosts, or demons/spirits are less than human in material evolution/ spiritual foundation (and are as animals) then why would an animal bother with a human unless it was lame or hungry or malicious?

    one step further: the dominant religious cultures are adamant against the contacting of spirits for guidance and protection. they call it an 'evil' act because it invites (for lack of a better analogy) a wild animal into your camp to shred the lives of your people.

    we know that when a lion enters camp and carries off a child it's bad. we hunt the lion down and kill it. likewise a person kills another. it could be bad: so we hold a hearing to determine if it was really as bad as an witness or acuser alledges.

    and thus admittedly archaic and oversimplified we have cultural establishment of dichotomies. some of those dichotomies are similar or exactly the same in other cultures. a characteristic which some have used to say that right is right and wrong is wrong and to permutate the factors to thier own individual wills which usually occur as rebellion against the societal norm for whatever (usually selfish) reason. Thus your selfishness is still bad and becomes ever increasingly bad as the population grows and resources diminish. to twist right and wrong into "it's right for me" is to say "the laws do not apply to me" in the nature of the arguement. nations which have an enforced legal code concur in what is right and good for all people. it's the punishments that differ.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by wdl
    No man, he's just Canadian.l

    That's a US protectorate isn't it?

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    San Antonio, TX
    I came across this have anyone trained here or have done training like this?

    Let me know have a good day

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    A 6-year-old ttt from a newbie? Nice start, pinglocalhost

    This topic just came up with me recently with a Wudang master. That master, who will remain unnamed for now, does Daoist exorcisms. I'm hoping to get an article on that someday.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    This topic just came up with me recently with a Wudang master. That master, who will remain unnamed for now, does Daoist exorcisms. I'm hoping to get an article on that someday.

    This (demons) was actually a training method used here in Akron.

    I recieved my info second hand, so maybe some local lurkers will chime in and provide some substance.
    Originally Posted by RD'S Alias - 1A

    I have easily beaten every one I have ever fought.....

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky
    sadly this is all too real. my teacher has had a similar experience and was deeply involved in the occult in kung fu before becoming saved and truning to christ. his teacher led im in occultic meditatins and ceremonies. all of the alters in most kung fu schols ar alters to gwan gung or ancestors. ancestor worship is the same thing as occultic demon spirit worship. when they appear to the worshipper they appear as relatives or what is referred to as "familiars". sometimes certain abilites or powers are given to the worsipper.
    praying to or making offerings of food or inscence to gwan gung is the same thing as worship. it is asking the spirit to protect you or your school and is demonic. having a statue is 1 thing but making "offerings" to it is another.
    things such as this need to be avoided like the plauge as it will only result in major prooblems in your life. there are sects of kung fu practitioners in china who do not practice at all but instead perform ceremonies to be "indwelt" by spirits who were supposed martial experts,then these guys can performs feats of martial prowess with no traning.
    this is very real in the martial arts and has been around for a long time. now whether the guy in question that this thread started on is real,or if he is just talking thinking it is cool is another,as most in the u.s. dont know about this side of it and sometimes do rituals they have no idea what they are doing.

    iron weasel, i know the stry in question from a source close to yours, yes it is real.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Los Angeles


    Quote Originally Posted by pinglocalhost View Post
    I came across this have anyone trained here or have done training like this?

    Let me know have a good day
    I have seen the SSTT group practice. When I watch them doing their forms, I scratch my head because nothing makes sense in their movement. (No offense, just my observation). Where's the technique except for some slaps that look annoying. They look like kung fu country line dancing with lousy structure and choppy movement. They change directions without looking and not once have I seen anyone throw a punch or kick for defense technique practice. I seriously doubt the spirits would help when someone wants to chop their head off. And if they are fighting demons, how does that help fighting humans?

  11. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by teetsao View Post
    sadly this is all too real. my teacher has had a similar experience and was deeply involved in the occult in kung fu before becoming saved and truning to christ. his teacher led im in occultic meditatins and ceremonies. all of the alters in most kung fu schols ar alters to gwan gung or ancestors. ancestor worship is the same thing as occultic demon spirit worship. when they appear to the worshipper they appear as relatives or what is referred to as "familiars". sometimes certain abilites or powers are given to the worsipper.
    praying to or making offerings of food or inscence to gwan gung is the same thing as worship. it is asking the spirit to protect you or your school and is demonic. having a statue is 1 thing but making "offerings" to it is another.
    things such as this need to be avoided like the plauge as it will only result in major prooblems in your life. there are sects of kung fu practitioners in china who do not practice at all but instead perform ceremonies to be "indwelt" by spirits who were supposed martial experts,then these guys can performs feats of martial prowess with no traning.
    this is very real in the martial arts and has been around for a long time. now whether the guy in question that this thread started on is real,or if he is just talking thinking it is cool is another,as most in the u.s. dont know about this side of it and sometimes do rituals they have no idea what they are doing.

    iron weasel, i know the stry in question from a source close to yours, yes it is real.
    hey thats not very PC of you, T... isnt that sort of like me saying that worshipping any deity should be "avoided like the plague" as it is an inherent weakness rooted in a reliance of something insubstantial keeping one from truly realising their potential by relying on the one and only thing we all know we have, our selves... by taking ultimate responsibility of everything from ourselves and put into the hands of something that is "unknowable" could be considered cowardly...

    ofcourse to say something like that may seem insensitive at the very least... i mean, who am i to judge a demon worshipper or any sort of creationist, right....???

  12. #87
    Seems he likes to use Semantic satiation.

    If they can transform themselves on physical and energetic levels, you'd think he could do something about that receding hair line. Just say'in!

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    From my point of view, I would say again that any and all intangibles are illusion and do not exist.

    We, as humans bring these ideas to life and give them credence despite the non actuality of them.

    there are no angels, there are no demons. These are allegory for your own perceptions of reality.

    Things going bad? The simple mind blames, the higher mind seeks resolution through worldly means.

    Things go good? The simple mind thanks an intangible and the higher mind recognizes a job well done or fortuitous coincidence.

    Faith belongs to god. Not angels and demons and other made up fantasies that are deliberately insisted upon by ever intensifying crazed minds intent on making you believe in their falsehoods.

    People suffer and in their ignorance they seek to find out why they suffer but because of that same ignorance they are unable to make any determination or to even accept the reality of the circumstances they are in.

    and so, they put the problem outside themselves and give it a name and dress it up as something even more formidable and subsequently, they never get around to dealing with the problem.

    Demons are your fears
    Angels are your successes

    Beyond that, they are not anything.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Here is some food for thought....although I KNOW it will not be popular....

    The Martial Arts are more than just a method of self-defense or a system of health exercises. They actually involve a life philosophy derived from eastern religions. The testimonies of Karatekas a devout practitioner of karate or other forms of martial arts do not hide the fact that the martial arts are more than just a sport.
    "Karatedo another form of karate is an art and I teach it as a way of being, a way of life, as a method of developing one's self, and not as a sport," states one teacher. Karate is not a fighting sport. This was completely misconstrued by people of this country where it was taken and turned into a sport.

    There are many conflicting theories regarding the origin of the martial arts. The account stated here is a widely accepted survey that traces the general history of the martial arts and goes back too the dawn of civilization in India. Three millennia ago in China, the arts were developed even more extensively. By the establishment of the Feudal States in 770 B.C., Kung fu was widely practiced.

    In 1928 they were renamed War Arts and were awarded national recognition. Over the centuries various aspects of the arts were modified and eventually evolved into more or less violent types.

    Northern and Southern schools and hard and soft forms also developed. Kung fu was the original all inclusive term describing the martial arts. Later, specific names were applied to its variations: karate, tai chi, judo, jujitso, and aikido.

    In Korea, the arts were known as Te Kwon Do. They were honed into their highest forms of proficiency in Okinawa.

    Though one often thinks of the arts as made in Japan, they have many roots and cultural variations. The original religious philosophy of Kung fu dates back as far as 2696 B.C., where it was rooted in the Occult forms of divination known as the I-Ching and the book of Changes. Lao-Tse, the Chinese sage born in 604 B.C., added further embellishments. His teachings were set forth in a 5,280 word manuscript called Tao Te Chang, also known as " the Tao" or "the Way".

    He taught salvation could not be found in prayer but rather by the observance of nature, the natural way.

    As the trees bend with the wind, and rivers follow the path of least resistance, so must man adapt to the rhythm with evil and wrong. The next development in history of Kung fu took place when a monk named Bodhidharma brought Buddhism to China in sixth century A.D. When he discovered the monks sleeping during his lectures, he introduced exercises to assist them in meditation.

    Known as I-Ching Sutura, his system combined Kung fu with the philosophical principle of Zen to develop a highly sophisticated form of weaponless fighting. The monks at his Shaolin temple became famous for their savage abilities of defense which they employed whenever they were attacked in the course of pilgrimages. Eventually two schools of martial arts evolved; Ch'uan Fe (Kung fu) based on the hard (external) school of Buddhism, and other arts founded on the soft (internal) school of Taoism. Martial arts have evolved into six basic forms by which they are known. In the Western world they are known as: Kung Fu, Tai Chi Ch'uan, Karate, Akido, Judo and Jujitsu.

    Such Occult experimentation is forbidden in The Bible
    . Karate works by inducing a passivity in the mind setting the stage for a type of self-hypnosis. A demon then enters and gives supernatural strength and power. Karate teachers call this "going into perfection." Kung Fu which is rooted in Zen Buddhism, was popularized by a TV series of that name. Bruce Lee movies (Enter the Dragon; Way of the Dragon; Return of the Dragon; Game of Death) also spread this occult science across the nation.

    Spirits of Murder, Hatred, Pride, Bitterness, Depression, Resentment, Fear, Violence, Lust for Power, Lust for (green, brown or black) Belts, Sexual Lust, Fighting, Rage, Destruction, Suicide, Sadism and Masochism are some of the spirits commonly found in those who have trained in Martial Arts. Some of the more heavily possessed individuals have also become very adept at Mind control, Telepathy, Telekinetic, Mind reading, Astral projection and Soul travel under the leadership of demonic guides.
    "It's not WHO'S right...its WHAT'S right" Truth Comes from many Sources
    so try and disregard WHO is saying it..and explore if WHAT is being said has any Truth to It.

  15. #90
    The truth is no one knows whether things like this have any objective existence or not. No one can possibly know that without getting the kind of "birds eye view" on reality that we just can't have. Do you have the ability to step outside of the limitations of your own perception, biases etc and say exactly what is or isn't within the universe in some way, shape or form? Of course not, no one does.

    There's more than one way to look at the world.

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