Ok, for some reason this is a classic martial arts movie and I must admit, I've probably seen it about 10 times.

Here's what I like about it:
1. It's about muy thai (spelling?)
2. Jean Claude Van Dam actually visits a muy thai training school in the film. pretty cool.
3. It's a classic revenge plot. (You killed my master=you paralyzed my brother)
4. The training scenes are pretty cool (jump spinning kicks, full side splits and kicking down a tree)
5. The idea of fighting with your hands dipped in resin and then dipped in glass.
6. It's actually filmed in Thai Land.

Here's what I don't like about it:
1. The acting is LAME! LAME, LAME LAME!
2. The fight scenes are LAME! Most of them one person is just standing there while the other person is kicking the crap out of them. There's no blocking, no trapping, no counter moves. Just fancy kick slug fest type stuff.
3. Did I say the acting is LAME?

It's a pretty good movie if you have nothing else to do.

On a scale of 1 to 5 I'd give it a 3.

What do you all think? Anyone watch it last night?